Explanation on why i dont write as much as i want too.

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If some of you come across my stories and see that I haven't finished any or not continuing, I do have a life outside of Wattpad ya know? I usually put in the description if I'm not working on it anymore. I'm sorry if some of you just come across this and for those that have followed me for years. I know I want to write as much as I want but that's not always the case and I do what I can. You guys should and need to understand that. I work a 40 hour a week retail job. You guys have free will to unfollow me if you choose, especially if I don't write for long periods of time, no one is making you be here, even if you guys complain to Wattpad cause I do get those notifications about not updating as much as I should cause you guys complain about it. Please just understand that I will get them done eventually. It's taking me a long time and sometimes I don't even have that much motivation to because of how tired I am from working.
Please understand. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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