Chapter 5,

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It was the next morning and Suga and Daichi were standing outside Hinatas door. They were going to wake him up to get him ready so they could go to school and ask him if they want him to be in a relationship with them.
   "Hey Hinata! Time to wake up!" Suga yelled as he knocked on the door. They heard a groan from the other side. "Okay I'm up!" Hinata said his mask slipping a little.
     Suga and Daichi looked at each other then to the door. A few minutes later the door opened revealing a tired Hinata his eyes still red and puffy and his hair messsy.
   "Good morning mommy and daddy." He said smiling his signature smile at him. "Good morning Sunshine it's time for us to go to school." Suga stated. Hinatas eyes lit up. "Yay volleyball!" He yelled excitedly and he hurried and did his morning routine.

(Time skip)

The trio arrived at the club room to change for volleyball and Suga realized they forgot to ask Hinata about being in a relationship with him and Daichi so he decided on asking it later on throughout the day.
(Hinatas pov)

I sat down on the bench in the club room facing my locker to get changed.
   I was a little hesitant to change today I don't know why and I never was even if everyone was in there with me it's been a while since I started to feel self conscious. When I changed with everyone before they never said anything about my scars and the scare that had insults carved into my skin.
    "Oi Hinata are you okay? You seemed spaced out." Noya asked a little concerned for his crush. Hinata snapped out of it and laughed nervously scratching the back of his neck.
   "Oh yeah sorry I just didn't sleep well last night is all." He replied. "Oh okay. If you say so."
  (Time skip to practice in the gym)

(No one's pov)

Everyone gathered in the gym since Coach Ukai and Takeda Sensei had called everyone for a team meeting.
  "Good morning everyone today we have some news for you." Takeda Sensei started which he had a big smile on his face.
    "We are holding a month long training camp in Tokyo with all the other teams to test our skills and learn new strategies against each other. We leave this weekend so make sure you have your stuff packed on Thursday night before you all come and meet at the school at 9:00am sharp and if you're late we will leave you." Coach Ukai explained. Everyone got excited and started jumping up and down and causing chaos.
   It started to make Hinata shake a little but he still showed his excitement so people won't see through his mask.
     After morning practice had ended Suga and Daichi pulled Hinata away from everyone to the back of the club room outside so no one could hear them as they were a bit nervous to ask Hinata to join their relationship.

  (Hinatas pov)

   I was a little nervous on why Suga and Daichi pulled me away from everyone after practice ended it looked like something important they wanted to talk to me about without everyone hearing. I stopped walking and Suga pulled his hand away from my shoulder.
    "Hey Hinata Daichi and I have something we would like to discuss with you if that's okay?" Suga asked me. I tilted my head in confusion my ears flattening against my head.
   "What is it mommy?" I asked. I noticed him since at that name a little which had me worried a lot more.
    "You're not going to leave me too are you?" I asked. Suga shook his head fast. "No no Hinata we would never leave you." He assured me. "Okay then what is it?" I asked again.
   Suga and Daichi looked nervous and they were sweating a bit I could tell. "Well we heard you have a mental breakdown last night before you went to bed about how you were all alone and you had no one to love you. And we were thinking about that and you do have someone that loves you. We love you Hinata and we wanted to know if you wanted to be in a Poly relationship with the both of us so you won't be so lonely all the time." Suga said really fast all in one breathe and they both bowed down towards me.
    I was so confused and I didn't know what to say. My mind was running at a million miles per hour. I could not tell what was happening next until I felt myself being shaken.
   "Hinata!? Is everything okay!?" Suga was shaking me with tears in his eyes. I quickly snapped out of what ever it was I was in and was back to reality. "I'm so sorry to space out. You probably hate me now for it." I whimpered my ears flattening again.
   "No no we don't hate you. We were just worried for a minute there when you spaced out." Suga said as he chuckled nervously. "So uh what do you think about being with us?" Daichi asked this time. "Wouldn't the others think it's weird that I'm going to be with you since I call you guys Mommy and Daddy?" I asked innocently.
    They both chuckled. "We don't have to worry about that." Suga said. "Well then I accept your offer." I said smiling brightly this time and feeling better. "That's great we are now officially boyfriends and you Hinata belong to us" Suga said smirking. I blushed a bit feeling a new excited feeling. A feeling that makes me feel like I won't be so alone anymore.
  Then all of the sudden I was pinned against the wall by the both of them. Suga was kissing me and asking for entrance which I allowed and he explored my mouth while Daichi was kissing my neck. I making making sounds that I didn't even know I could make. "Ah!" I yelled out in pleasure as I kissed back. They were being rough and dealers are. "You are ours Kitten." Daichi whispered in my ear seductively as I moaned out in response.
   I was theirs and they were mine and that's all that mattered in that moment.

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