Chapter 2,

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    (No one's pov)

    It was after school practice now the school day went on like usual and the weather was clear and warm. The Karasuno team were practicing in the gym and Hinata and Kageyama were doing their quick attack move even though Hinata was still in a lot of pain from the beatings and torture he received from his parents that weekend. All of the sudden Hinata felt a sharp pain in his right side making his body tense up and making him crash to the ground. He was almost sure he heard something break missing Kageyamas toss knowing that he will be upset towards Hinata for missing a simple toss that he normally would make every time even sometimes with his eyes closed.
    He faintly heard the cries of his teammates as he crashed to the ground. He also felt something grip the front of his shirt. It was Kageyama he was hitting Hinata and yelling at him too because he missed the ball. He looked into Kageyamas eyes it was a bit blurry for a moment but he noticed Kageyamas fury that reminded him of his father. He felt wetness coming down his cheeks as he tried to shrink away but couldn't get out of his grip. His body started to shake rapidly in fear.
    Kageyama was shaking him so hard that he was ripping his shirt in half making it fall to the floor without Hinata realizing what was happening . He only heard his own sobs as he noticed a pair of arms wrap around Kageyama to get him to let go of Hinata.
   "You stupid useless Boke! You could've hit that ball. You never miss it so why!?" Kageyama screamed at Hinata making him cry harder.
  The secret harem had tears in their eyes as they were trying to pry Kageyama off of Hinata and once they saw Kageyama rip Hinatas shirt off everything froze at once as if time stood still.
    They saw his torso and his tortured body covered in whip lashes and black and blue bruises with syringe markings and the rope burn, and the newest addition from the night before the knife slashes. Some still looked like they would burst out blood any minute now because his parents took any medical supplies and hid them from Hinata so he couldn't take care of himself.

(Hinatas pov)

Oh shit! Oh shit! They can see my body at least it's just my upper torso. Hinata thought while he suddenly went into a panick attack. He was able to regain composure to himself for a moment to see his classmates surrounding him looking down on him in a circle some were screaming and crying mainly Tanaka and Nishinoya who were screaming. "No our kohai!" Hinatas breathing was really rapid and he heard blood rushing to his ears a little. He saw one of his teammates who he believed to be was Suga reach his hand out while trembling at the sight of his Sunshine.
   Hinata flinched at seeing the raised hand and scurried back all the way until he hit the gym wall. "Hinata. It's okay it's just me baby. We got Kageyama under control. He won't hurt you anymore. But sweetie can you tell us who did this to you? And make sure to breathe for me okay just in and out." Suga soothed while his blood was boiling with anger as he wanted to find out who hurt his precious crow like this.
    Hinata took deep breathes as he looked at all his friends to still see Asahi holding Kageyama by the back of his arms as Kageyama was kicking and trying to get out of his hold.
    "I-I don't want to be a b-burden to any of you I-if I t-told you." Hinata expkained.
    "Now listen here Hinata you won't be a burden at all we are all here for you we are your friends and your teammates. We will always be here for you." Daichi assured standing next to Suga who they were now  kneeling down to where Hinata was on the floor.

(Hinatas dad pov)

I was sitting on my chair in the living room holding a beer bottle In my hand while my wife was sitting on the couch next to me reading a book. "I'm glad that fucker is gone for most of the day I can't wait  to activate the control syrum we put into him." Mr. Hinata bragged holding up a tiny remote and admiring it. Thinking about what a good job that they had down with Hinata. "I agree honey. That little bitch deserves everything that comes at him since he isn't even our real son anyways, even though he doesn't know that. He has to pay for all the trouble he has caused us since we took him in." My wife agreed smiling and standing up from the couch setting her book mark in her book and setting it on the coucb.
"Ya damn straight babe." I said as she came up to me with lust filled in her eyes. And I smiled an evil smile towards her.  She walked up to me and slowly crawled seductively in my lap her hands on my groin as she sat on my lap and took the beer bottle from my hand and started to chug from it. She whipped her mouth with the back of her hand and handed it back to me. She took the remote for the control syrum from my hand and admired it holding it up to the light admiring its silver coloring and red and black buttons. "Let's press this shit and see what it does im itching to bring chaos. To make him attack his friends and loved ones it's just beautiful." My wife purred, bouncing a little in my lap making me go hard by the sensation she was giving me. I chuckled and gently took the remote from her hand and looked at it again turning it back and forth in my hand and then smirked. "Let the chaos begin." I said and pressed the button activating the control syrum.

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