Chapter 4,

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(Tsukishimas pov)

After I got my husbands attention off of Hinata during practice I just continued to think to myself.
Note: sinceKageyama is the vampire prince he is married to Tsukishima who is also a vampire and that is part of a tradition with the vampires when a vampire prince dates another vampire male they have to marry each other.

Once practice ended for the day I walked with Kageyama to the club room before everyone else got there. We had started to change and I started to stare at him with drool coming down from my lips.
I felt his energy was a bit off today since I felt like he didn't hunt last night and his hunger was getting stronger. He seemed to have felt me staring at him so he turned towards me and smirked.
"Like what you see my Prince?" He asked seductively. I smirked and nodded my head. "Well I am a bit hungry." He stated. I tilted my head back I didn't have to worry about removing my shirt since I already have showing my ripped body.
"I'm all yours daddy." I answered. Kageyama bared his fangs and licked them and he growled a bit seductively. "Well then let's make this quick." He said. I nodded as he moved forward holding my neck sideways exposing my skin which still had other scars and hickies from his kisses and bites.
A moment later I felt his fangs pierce my skin making me instantly moan out in pleasure arching my back and my groin towards him. We went on for this for a few more minutes until we somehow got lost in our trance that a vampires bite gives off that we didn't hear the club room doors open and the team standing by the door. Someone gasped and we suddenly broke apart. Kageyama having my blood run down his lips quickly wiping his mouth. I had my hand on my neck and we both turned to look towards the door to see the team with shocked faces.
I looked towards Suga since he was first in the door. He had a dark aura forming around him and I knew Kageyama was dead.

(Kageyamas pov)

Note: // means thinking

/well I am fucked/ I thought as I laughed nervously rubbing the back of my neck. "Well the cats out of the bag now isn't it?" I asked towards them.
"You're a vampire Kageyama!?" Suga yelled angrily while Daichi put a hand on his shoulder trying to make him calm down. I gulped and nodded.
"What rank are you?" Suga asked. I sighed. "I am the Vampire Prince out of all Vampires." I explained. "And Tsuki is my husband because of it." I finished.
I could see Sugas eye twitch but then suddenly his dark aura changed back to normal. "Well we are sorry we caught you two in a bad time." Suga said releasing all the tension that was in the club room as everyone else filed in fully to start changing.
"It's okay I was starving and I couldn't hold onto my thirst because I skipped out on hunting last night and so that happened". I explained. "Well please remember to try not to do it before someone else sees you." Daichi explained. I nodded my head and whipped the sweat off my forehead. "Yes I will be aware and hunt properly and not ignore it and feed in inappropriate times." I promised.
"Good. Cause we don't want anything bad to happen to anyone for it?" He asked a little scarily. "Yes Captain." I said as I turned to start getting changed.

(Sugamamas pov)

We started to change after that encounter with Kageyama and Taukishima I was still contemplating on whether or not to ask everyone if they were okay because of my mom instincts going off yesterday. I decided a few more times in my head that I was going to ask so after i finished changing and hanging my back pack on my shoulders I turned around to ask my baby crows the question.
"Hey everyone I know this may sound uncomfortable or anything like that but my mom senses went off yesterday and it felt like one of you was in a bad situation or hurting yesterday and I wanted to make sure you were all okay. So are anyone of you hurting right now? Cause if so please know that you can talk to me." I stated. "It's okay Mommy. I don't think anyone of us is feeling down right now. So don't worry okay!?" The joyous voice that belonged to their precious Sunshine filled the room making everyone chuckle and giggle at his antics.
"Ya what Hinata said Suga if we need to we will go to you for sure." Nishinoya agreed.
"Alright I just wanted to make sure." I said still not believing what they're saying after what I felt.

(Time skip)

   Daichi and I made it home and once I sat my bag down on the bar stool chair I sighed. "Everything okay love?" Daichi asked me. I nodded. "I'm not sure Daichi." I stated. Daichi came up to me and put his hands on both sides of my face to make me look up at him.
   "Hey everything is going to be okay alright? The kids will be fine." He assured me kissing me on the lips and I kissed back. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance which I obliged and let him explore my mouth. I let out a moan of pleasure and let my true form rip through my wings flapping a little and my tail wrapped around Daichis leg near his groin. My horns came out too. The kiss became heated and I soon found myself with no clothes on in our bedroom on the bed.

(Hinatas pov)

I made it home to Suga and Daichis house going up to my room since I could hear them doing it upstairs in their room. I sat my bag down in my swivel chair that's by my desk and sat on the edge of my bed wondering what it is I could do to pass the time.
    My ears twitched at each sound that was heard in the house. It made me kind of said to hear Daichi-San and Suga-San doing it because I didn't have anyone to do it with. I know I seem really innocent to everyone else but to be honest I'm really not all that innocent it's just a mask that I have put up from all the years of abuse and rape and being bullied and being alone just makes me feel like a burden to everyone else around me especially to Sugamama and Dadchi.
     I don't mean to be but I need to feel loved and to have someone to love me. I have a secret crush on all my teammates but I know Suga and Daichi are together and Kageyama and Tsuki are together so I have know idea what I'm going to do if I confess to all of them. I don't want to be alone again I couldn't stand it.
   I suddenly felt tears coming down my face as I started to cry as slight sobs filled my room. "Why do I have to be alone? Why can't someone love me? Is it too much to ask for!?" I yelled out loud.
      I suddenly felt myself pass out my head hitting my pillow from all the crying.

(Sugas pov)

I layed down next to Daichi feeling tired after doing it. My head resting on his chest as he stroked my hair. We were just laying there until I heard something so heart breaking coming from our Sunshines room. It was loud enough that we could both hear it. "Why do I have to be alone? Why can't someone love me? Is it too much to ask for!?" We heard him ask which broke our hearts.
    "Poor Hinata. I wish we could give him the same love we give each other." Daichi said trying not to cry. I nodded. "I wish too I never thought of it but maybe we could share our relationship with him." I stated. Daichi put his fingers on his chin thinking about it. "Ya maybe we could have a poly relationship with him if you're up for it?." Daichi suggested. "It kind of feels weird though since he calls us mommy and Daddy." I said.  Daichi laughed. "Ya and his innocence." He finished.
     "Well we could ask him about it in the morning if he is feeling up to it right now he just needs some space."
   "Sounds good to me." Daichi said and we both fell asleep.

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