Chapter 6,

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(No one's pov)

The trio has been doing it for a while now completely forgetting about the time they were lost in each other's touch. All of the sudden there was a Loud cough as someone tried to get their attention, they all froze and stopped what they were doing and turned around.
It was the two guards Hinata had with them they both had red blush on their faces as they just caught their Prince making out. "Oh guys I'm so sorry I forgot the time please don't be mad." Hinata said running up to them and putting his hands together and showing them puppy dog eyes.
    One of the guards chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry Your Majesty we aren't mad we were just surprised is all." They said. Hinata giggled.
  "Well now that the awkwardness is over let's go home." Hinata suggested as he was standing in the middle of Suga and Daichi holding each of their hands. "Yes your Highness." The guards said.

(Time skip)
(Morning of  Volleyball camp)

"Good morning everyone! Please sit in pairs on the bus and we will be headed shortly. It might be a long drive and we might make a stop or two on the way there. But please when we get there be on your best behiavior. Alright everyone get comfortable we are going now." Takeda said while pushing his glasses up with his fingers. "Hai!" Everyone yelled and filed on the bus.  After about an hour into the bus ride Hinata was found fast asleep across both Suga and Daichis lap while Suga was stroking his hair and petting his ears while Daichi was petting his tail. They were granted with purrs from their Sunshine making everyone else jealous that those two were getting purrs from their sunshine. They all had inner battles and thoughts with the two but still kept to themselves because they still don't know if Hinata liked all of them yet or not. The secret Harem couldn't do anything except to sit there and keep to themselves after what's happening in the back with their beloved Sunshine. 

(Huge time skip to when the reach Nekomas dorms for their Volleyball camp with all the other teams as well.)

   (Hinatas pov)

As soon as we got off the bus I held onto both my boyfriends hands and two portals appeared beside us showing two of the guards that were assigned to me that have been guarding me came through them to walk with us. We stopped at the front doors of the dorm building to see all the other teams standing outside waiting to be let in by someone. I wasn't sure who is going to let us all in but I'm sure it's someone important.
    I hid my ears and tail to hide from the other teams since they have no idea who I am and I had the guards do the same so they magically changed into normal humans like me and just blended in as If they were other managers for our team other than Kiyoko and Yachi.
     I spotted Oikawa sitting on the steps of the dorm building and I quickly let go of Suga and Daichis hands and rushed up to him excitedly. "Grand King!" I yelled throwing my arms around him in a hug.
     "Yahoo! Hinata how have you been?" He asked me hugging me back. I smiled. "I've been doing great!" I answered still hugging him. I guess I do have some attachment issues.
     As I was hugging the Grand King I felt a slight tap on my shoulder making me flinch visibly. I hated when people tapped on me to get my attention it just reminded me of the start of beatings.
   I turned around slowly letting go of Oikawa and see that it was Kenma I gave a sigh of relief and smiled my signature smile towards him as well.
   "Kenma!" I said greeting him by also giving him a hug. "Hey Hinata. I've missed you." Kenma said back. Hinata giggled at that making everyone's heart flutter at the magical  laugh that was coming from Hinata.

(Kenmas pov) (surprised? lol 😂)

I walked off the bus with the rest of my teamates with Kuroo trying to bother me while I was trying to concentrate on the game I was playing on my Nintendo Switch.
   I noticed after standing there for a while another schools bus came into view. It was Karasunos bus and that got me excited because that meant Hinata was going to be here. I got really excited but I didn't show any motion about it as usual.
    A few moments later the bus stopped and Hinatas team stepped out of the bus I noticed Hinata right away holding hands with both Suga and Daichi. He was adorable and seemed to be wearing some type of beautiful crown on top of his head and I wondered what for.
    I saw Hinata quickly let go of Suga and Daichis hands and rush to Oikawa yelling his name. "Grand King!" Hinata yelled as he threw his arms around him not letting go. I got a little jealous so after a few more minutes I started to walk over behind Hinata and tapped his shoulder which I noticed he visbly flinched which had me worried for a moment but I quickly shook it off thinking it was nothing.
     Hinata turned around to look at me letting go of Oikawa. He then flashed me his smile which made my heart flutter at the sight of it. "Kenma! I've missed you!" He yelled loudly wrapping me in a big hug which I of course returned. "I've missed you too Hinata." I answered back.

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