Chapter 1

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The pic is of Persis's eyes so you know that's what it looks like ok continue

Percy POV

My name is Percy Jackson I'm a student at Goode high school. I have a twin sister named Persis but most people call her Sea because when you look in her eyes you can see the ocean so we call her Sea
(because another name for the ocean is Sea plus you see with your eyes get it no ok)

Sea is the smart, cocky, jock, kind of popular girl in the school. She's the captain of the girls swim team, she is in choir, she is the captain of the school's fencing and archery team (I know cool) and she is the captain of the debate team.

Me on the other hand is the loner, mystery guy, jock of the school. I'm the captain to the boy's swim team and the boy's fencing team. the reason I say loner is because I don't like dating so I turn all the girls down so now I'm kind of a loner.

Me and Sea hang out with a group of people and only those people everyone else we don't care about. let me see its Nico and Bianca Di'Angelo, Zoë Nightshade, Ethan Nakamura, Jason and Thalia Grace, Leo Valdez, Calypso (never tells us her last name), Piper McLean, Frank Zhang, and Hazel Di'Angelo

Now the kids we stay away from aka the kids who bully and HATE us
Luke Castellan, Annabeth Chase, Clarisse Zhang, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Katie Gardner, the Stolls Travis and Conner, Charles Beckendorf, Chris Rodriguez, Drew Tanaka, and Silena Beauregard

We try are hardest to stay away from them but I swear these people look for trouble
Ok that's it now let's get started with the story ✌🏼

"Percy Persis time to get up don't want to be late to school" our mom yelled.

I groaned and rolled out of bed "man I hate morning" I mumbled to myself plus this is the worse morning of the week because it's Monday time to go to school boo.

I walked over to my closet to see what I had to wear I grabbed a sea green T-Shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, my black and blue high tops, then my black sweat shirt.

I packed my bag then knocked on my sisters door "Sea are you ready." I yelled

She opened the door wearing her normal clothes which are a black leather jacket, a midnight blue tang top, black skinny jeans, black vans , and a Silver beanie on top of her jet black hair.

"Yeah I'm ready" she yawned.

"Ok come on don't want to be late" I said walking down stairs.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming" she sighed

"Bye mom bye Paul" we yelled in unison
"Don't you guys want breakfast my mom" asked

"No we'll get something from the schools cafeteria" Sea yelled.

Then we walked out and
We jumped in "our" blue jeep a gift from our dad and drove off to school.

Once we got there we saw our gang already hanging out in our spot.

I parked the car and we walked over to them.

"Hey guys"we said.

"Hey look the twins are here" Zoë teased

"Don't call us that" we said in unison
We looked at each other and sighed knowing that we can never stop that

They all laughed.

I sat down next to Thalia and Sea sat next to Nico.

Ok let's stop there I have to give you the run down on who dates who let me see there's

Hazel and Frank
Piper and Jason
Sea and Nico
Leo and Calypso
Bianca and Ethan
Me, Thalia, and Zoë don't date anyone yet.

And in the other group there's
Charles Beckendorf and Silena
Katie and Travis
Clarisse and Chris
Annabeth and Luke
Reyna and Conner
And Drew is single

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