Chapter 13

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I'm a bitch it's official I just made my brother cry yup I'm the bitchest bitch in the world full of bitches. (I'm having way to much fun with that word)

I ran after Percy he ran into the house and straight in his room.

"What's going on" my dad asked me when I ran into the house.

"Umm I'll explain later I have to right a wrong" I yelled and ran for Percy's room.

I tried to open it but he locked it.

"Damn it Percy please I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that I was just mad you made Leo cry and stressed out from getting mobbed at the mall please forgive me" I begged through the door.

No answer (just me luck) but, I can hear him crying (fuck)

"Percy please I'm so sorry" I begged still no answer only crying

I know what your thinking Percy is a big cry baby no no just no he is strong it's just ANNABITCH broke him

broke him bad he was betrayed by some of his friends that now bully him caught Annabeth have sex with Luke one of his closest friends well not no more but, you know was one.

And I just made it worse fuck I'm a bad person.

"Perce please open the door I'm so so sorry I don't want to see or hear you cry it brakes my heart
twin please open up I don't want you to lock yourself in your room again please let me in" I was now in tears

the memory of him locked in his room for a month crying over that bitch ugh why won't he let me in.

Percy POV
Why did she say that to me?
Why did she bring her up?

I didn't do anything to make her that angry well I did make Leo cry and I feel really bad about that but did she really have to say that.

I was laying in my bed trying to stop the tears I hate hate hate crying but the tears have a mind of the own.

I heard Sea's every word she begged and cried I didn't want to see her right now

But hearing her cry broke my heart even more.

I know I have been attacking like a dick lately but Annabeth really hurt me

I put up walls so no one could hurt me again the only one I let in was Sea and my mom the rest I pushed out put a fake smile on my face and went through life faking my happiness. It only made me think of what happen that made me lock myself in my room the first time

I'm so happy today is mine and my beautiful, smart, loving girlfriend two year anniversary we have been dating since we were 12 now both 14 and going strong I really love Annabeth my wise girl one day I hope to marry her.

For her gift I asked Hades to make me a special necklace for her.

A gold chain with a gold triton in the middle the triton had three green jewel on the tips and a silver owl in the middle. and on a little place to owl had in its mouth said PJ + AC 4ever

And on the back it says seaweed brain and wise girl

I hope she likes it because it costed a lot I mean a LOT of money it was 5.8 million dollars.

Yeah I spoil my girl who cares Sea always yell at me for spending money on Annabeth saying I should save it but I'm famous and the heir of a billion dollars company I'm fine.

I walked to Annabeth's house and knocked on the door and waited.

Athena or Ms.Chase opened the door.

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