Chapter 3

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Percy POV
After boot camp was over and I took a shower me and Sea went to the library for the rest of the period.

Hey Percy did you finish your paper Sea asked me.

Umm what paper I asked

The one we had to write for history on the Roman Empire that's due is 2 hours she said.


She laughed that's what I'm here for.

We sat down at a table and I took out my laptop and opened up the Roman Empire essay doc it was empty just a title and my name.

I handed the laptop to Sea she laughed you don't have anything

Nope I said popping the p

Don't worry I'll have this done in 15 minutes she said

Good because we have 16 minutes I said.

She didn't reply she was to busy typing my paper for me. man I love my twin.

Hey Percy what was that you said about Rome being a copycat or something like that she asked.

Oh I said The Roman Empire is basically a copycat of the Greek Empire because it was basically the same thing all the Romans did was switch some stuff around like the gods names and their rules in life I explained

Yep got it she said typing.

After about 14 minutes Sea smiled at me. what I asked.

I finished your paper she said in a singing voice.

I laughed and read over the paper.

Who Sea you did good I smiled

Yup I know I even add an extra paragraph in your paper so if Mrs.Miller doesn't like it or finds something wrong with it she can't mark you down a lot because you have extra work she smiled

So basically you are scamming a teacher I said

Yeah kinda she laughed.

Then the bell rang

Yes English is next we said in unison.
If your wondering why we love English it's because our "step" dad Paul or Mr. Blofis is our teacher and he goes easy on us.

We left the library and walked into Paul's or Mr. Blofis room.

We sat in our normal spot which is the circle table in the back of the room and waited for our gang because we got here early today because we were in the library.

Umm Persis can I talk to you Paul asked
Sure Paul I said walking up to him.

So what's up I asked once I got over to him.
He held up my phone care to explain why Miss.Chase gave this to me last period.

Umm you see dad texted me in the middle of class and I had my ringer on so it went off but to be fair the message was really important I explained

Oh so may I see this really important message

I nodded my head and typed in my password and gave him my phone.

He read the text from dad he nodded his head and handed me back the phone next time make sure the ringer is off he said.

I put my phone back in my pocket and nodded then took my seat.

Lucky for my all my friends where already there.

So today we are going to work on two worksheets that are due at the end of class today if you finish early then it's a quiet study hall for the rest of class ok the rest of the time is yours Mr.Blofis explained.

Me, Nico, Leo, and Jason got up and walked over to Paul.

Umm Mr.Blofis we need our worksheets Nico said.

Paul smiled at us and gave all of us our "special" copies
Mine, Percy, Thalia, Zoë, Calypso, and Ethan were in Greek because of our dyslexia we can only read Greek. don't ask me why because I don't know.
Nico and Bianca had theirs in Italian because they speak the language fluently.
Hazel, and Jason had theirs in Latin.
Piper had hers in French
And Leo had his in Spanish

But Frank doesn't have dyslexia so he gets plain English.

Even though they don't really need it because me and Nico do the worksheet and the rest just copy off of ours.

After I finished my worksheets I put it in the middle of the table so who ever wanted to copy can copy. then Nico finished his and did the same thing.

I took my headphones plugged them in to my phone and turned on Fall out boys. then I took out a book and started reading oh and so you know the book is the Maze Runner and the only reason I'm reading this book is because in the movie the main character Thomas played by Dylan O'brien was hot and that made me want to read the book so yea (and before you ask yes I'm a BIG Dylan O'brien fan)

After they all finished coping mine and Nico's papers we started texting each other funny pictures (can you tell we're bored)

Then out of the blue Beckendorf walks up to us and grabs Leo by the shirt and leafs him in the air.

So you think it was funny pulling that little prank on my girlfriend and the cheer squad he growled

Ok let's stop their for those of you who don't know Beckendorf is Leo's brother well step brothers before Leo's dad married Leo's mom his dad had a son named Charles. Charles took his mother's last name because she didn't know who the farther was. so after she found out she left Charles or Beckendorf on his dad front porch with a note on him say this is your son take care of him.

Yeah sad story right so there related because they have the same dad and trust me that is it they are so different it's weird ok back to the story

Hey man I didn't do anything to your girlfriend the cheer squad yeah that was me but I made sure not to touch your girlfriend Leo explained

Yeah then how come when I went to go pick her up she and the rest of the girls were covered in tobacco sauce Beckendorf yelled.

Me and Nico started laughing really Leo tobacco sauce.

Stay out of this you two he yelled.

mejor que me digas antes de decírselo a papá y mamá te Beckendorf yelled
(you better tell me before i tell mom and dad on you)

Pero yo no broma tu novia Vamos im no tanto de un idiota Leo tried to save his butt
(but i didnt prank your girlfriend come on im not that much of a moron)

costumbre que ambos Cállate Leo no lo Zoe y Piper recuperado por última vez I yelled
(wont you both shut up Leo didnt do it Zoe and Piper got her back for last time)

Espera Persis habla español Beckendorf asked
(wait Persis you speak spanish)

Sí Me y Nico hablan casi todos los idiomas es un pasatiempo de los nuestros
I explained
(yes Me and Nico speak almost every language it's a hobby of ours)

Beckendorf dropped Leo and walked away looking very confused.

Thanks for saving my butt Sea Leo chuckled

No hay problema I smiled
(No problem)

Then we all started laughing
Man I love my friends

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