Dusk to Dawn

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Where was she?

This wasn't fair. This wasn't what I wanted. Why had I taken everything for granted? It was as if everything was given to me because I deserved it. I wanted to save humanity, get revenge for my mother's death, and die with my name living on forever, but what am I when I can't even take care of-


My horse slowed down, as if sensing something was awry. I laced it to a tree and got off.

Evaporating Titan carcass enveloped me, engulfed me with its burning smell of old pinewood. Soot willingly settled on my face. I dusted them away in vain. I stepped into what seemed like rows of bones, each arched upwards, pointy edge to the sky, gleaming with a glossy furnish of blood. Everywhere I walked, The mist was so heavy I couldn't see what lay ahead.

Remains of the people who this Titan once devoured were exposed, evaporating too. Heads, eyes, limbs, guts... the gore that unfolded before my eyes was endless.

I scratched my messy hair. It was frizzy and tangled in all places, but I couldn't care less. I needed to find Mikasa, then fire a signal for the rest of the scouting legion to signify that I found her.

If I couldn't, she might be as good as dead.

An hour ago, we had reported to the Legion about Mikasa's disappearance. Erwin had worked out a plan to search for her. I've been given the spot where she was last seen... and it had turned into a battlefield, and it was obvious this battle was quickly won over.

Sweat plastered my shirt to my back. I shrugged the hood and the jacket off and for the first time, thrusted a glance back.

The mist, white and chalky, stared back at me blankly.

So, I was in the middle of nowhere, when I accidentally nudged something soft. I looked down. I stumbled a few steps back, and the mist that had tugged on to me earlier had released its grasp, and let me fall. I picked myself up, gingerly put toe by toe in front as if the floor would open up and swallow me whole. I moved closer to the body as tears mockingly crept up my eyes.

There, with her throat slit open, was Mikasa.

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