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The world is merciless.

I sheltered myself with my hand from the burning sun. I was helping Eren to shift some boxes on the chariot. Commander Erwin had announced an upcoming expedition, which was tomorrow.


"Mikasa will be placed with Levi and Eren."

Erwin turned to me.

"I'm trusting you two to protect Eren."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Yes, sir."

I glanced at Eren.

I shouldn't have.

There he was, staring daggers at me.

Why do you always have to protect me? Was the question clouded in his eyes.

--------end of flashback----------

I turned and looked for Eren, who was trying to carry boxes on the chariot. Sweat plastered his back and rolled playfully down his angular face; he puffed and it was red.

"Eren, can I help-"

"Shut up!" He groaned.

Then it came.

I knew that he would say it.

"You are not my mom or big sister," he gritted his teeth.

"Neither am I your baby brother!" Eren yelled, pushing me to the rough ground.

The roughest ground I have ever felt.


I watched her, lying on the ground.

"Stop protecting-"


She stood up and dusted herself off.

Her eyes were different; it looked wild and unforgiving. And on her face was a smirk, a smirk of despair.

"Who would want to protect you anyway."


"It's your mum that wanted me to protect you. But since you didn't want this 'privilege'," she held up her fingers in quotation marks, and hissed, "well then I don't care anymore."

And with one swift pull, the red blood scarf was on the floor.

"Who needs this junk."

"Mikasa, I- just forgive me, it was an accident..."

"I've had enough. This life is mine, and now I have no intention to spend it on you."

And with that, she turned hell and walked away.

Walked out of my life.

Walked out of my heart.

Walked out of my soul.


EreMika FanFiction: RealisationWhere stories live. Discover now