a graduation

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"Chase?" Kyle asked

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"Chase?" Kyle asked. "They want to take a photo. You ready?" 

Chase flapped his arms around and kicked one leg out slightly, trying to navigate the folds of his graduation gown. He took the cap that Kyle was holding out to him and grinned. "You bet." 

The weather was almost too perfect, like something out of a goddamn movie. Like High School Musical, except there was no way in hell he was singing. He jogged up to the rest of his friends, navigating his way through the throngs of people that waved and smiled at him as he passed. Sometimes, it was suffocating being Chase Collins of Melrose High, and having everybody in the school know your name. But on days like this, it made him feel like he was on cloud fucking nine. 

Ashton, Mat and Steve whooped in unison as he approached them. "There he is!"

"Hey guys," Chase said, stepping in right beside them to pose for the picture. "Where's-"

"Right here, dude." Kyle had been behind him the whole time, no surprises there. The other boy gave him a wink. "You think I'd just give you the graduation cap and not be in the photo? Nah, Chase, you know me too well. I love a photo." 

Kyle looked good today. Not that he didn't always look good. He most definitely did. But somehow the sunlight made his blue eyes shine differently. Somehow the gown made him look extra-attractive. Or maybe it was those graduation endorphins messing up his brain. In any case, it wasn't the sort of thing he should be thinking about when Ashton's parents were patiently waiting to take the photo. 

It wasn't the sort of thing he should ever be thinking about. 

Chase put his arms around Steve and Kyle, ignoring the jolt in his stomach as the latter put his arm on Chase's back, arranging his hair with his free hand. He could smell the cologne Kyle always wore. 

"Happy holidays from the family," Steve joked, as they settled into their pose. They all laughed, and yet there was some truth in that, wasn't there? They weren't just friends. Friends didn't do them enough justice- didn't do justice to all the lunches eaten together in the cafeteria, all the parties they'd enjoyed and all the ones they'd left early, all the highs and lows of their high school experience. And it was also just like Steve to say that, managing to quip about something and be so perceptive at the same time. 

"Awesome, guys," Ashton's mom said as she snapped the photos. "I can't believe this is actually happening. Graduation, hey? And then you'll all be off on your own separate ways. How crazy."

Yep, Chase agreed with Mrs McCoy on that. It was crazy

"Can't wait to have dinner with all of you and your parents," Mr McCoy said. 

"My dad hasn't talked about anything other than that dinner for a whole week," Mat muttered.  

"But before that, sushi!" Steve cheered, putting his fists in the air. He was too tall for any of the school's stock of gowns, and the one he was wearing ended comically above his shins. "You guys good to go?" 

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