10:43 PM

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The station is practically empty

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The station is practically empty. Someone kicks a soda can, and the sound ricochets around the platform as Chase and Kyle walk up the stairs. Chase is absolutely starving; the tantalizing smell of fast-food makes him realize it even more. Grease and salt fill his nostrils and his mouth almost waters. 

As Chase pushes the door of McDonald's open, he's welcomed by its warmth. McDonald's- that's something that will never change, no matter what city or state he finds himself in. Kyle follows him inside, giving a sigh of content. "Man, I am so hungry."

Chase nods in agreement as he goes up to the counter and orders a burger and fries. "Same here."

Kyle swings his briefcase as his eyes run over the menu in front of him. Only Kyle would be able to look that nonchalant in business attire. Kyle was always lounging, all-casual regardless of whether he was in basketball shorts at home or in a tux for prom. And evidently, that hasn't changed. "Double McSpicy and a Coke, please," he says. After paying with his phone, he looks at Chase with a wonky grin. "Where to now, Collins?"

Chase withholds an eyeroll. "I feel like walking," he says, picking up his food and juggling his meal with the cumbersome bag. It wouldn't take too long to walk back home from the station. But what's Kyle going to do? Chase wonders briefly if he's expecting to spend the night at Chase's flat, like they always did back in high school. He swallows the question. 

"Walking." Kyle scoops the burger and drink off the counter. "I can do that. Yeah, sure. Let's have a stroll."

It's fucking freezing when they head out into the open air, and Chase shudders in the sudden blast of cold, swearing under his breath. His eyes dampen in the wind and he blinks it away. 

"Oof," Kyle says through a mouthful of his food. "Winter. Love it."

Chase shakes his head with a chuckle as he takes a bite of the burger. He can almost see the heat rolling off it into the surrounding air. He clutches the oily paper in his chilly hands and begins walking. 

The streets are always different at night. Emptier, obviously, but also innately other. When he was in college and driving around with his friends at two AM, he would feel invincible and free until he got too cold or too tired or the alcohol wore off. And then the loneliness would set in, and he would be glad to be back in his dorm room. 

What is that Billy Joel line that his mom absolutely loves? Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it's better than drinkin' alone. He remembers listening to it when he was ten and trying to figure out what it meant. 

Now, walking down the pavement next to Kyle and looking at the halos of light that surround the headlights of the cars that drive past, Chase thinks he finally understands. 

"Ohio, man," Kyle says, after a few minutes. He hasn't asked where it is that they're going, merely following Chase. "Ohio's also gonna be cold." 

Swallowing the last bite of his burger, Chase crumples the paper up and throws it into a nearby bin. He brushes the crumbs off on his pants and moves onto the fries. "Yeah, I know," he says finally. 

Chase (#ONC2022) ✅Where stories live. Discover now