A Helpful Doppelganger (Chris/Kat)

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Summary: Set in 3x6 when Chris came home in TW after being attacked by the mask things. Kat showing up because of the cure being shoved down her throat saves his life, because he's more injured than he was in the show. Because of what they had when she was a vampire last time she was in town, will he let her stay? Will they continue where they left off?

It was a dismal night, as Chris stumbled, trying to come inside his house, but barely was able to after unlocking the door, injured from the black masked creatures. He could barely make it inside, closing the door and, after taking a couple more steps inside, everything blurred. Then he felt the floor, before everything began to go gray.

Kat was driving towards Chris' house. After getting turned into a human when she'd taken her anger out on Elena, she'd headed for Beacon Hills. She'd been here as a vampire before hearing about Damon opening up the tomb. She'd made friends and had had a thing for Chris. Since she couldn't get a hold of him now though, she was worried. He always answered when she called. 

When she arrived at the house, the light was on at the front, but the others were off. She assumed he'd just gotten home, but when he didn't answer the door, she got even more worried. This wasn't his usual behavior. Something had to be wrong.

"Chris?" she called, as she slowly opened the door, cautious, not knowing what she was walking in on. Then she stopped in her tracks at him not too far from the door, injured and on his back. But after a moment, she closed the front door, before rushing to her favorite hunter's side. "Chris, can you hear me?" she called, a hand on his left shoulder. She then rested a hand on the side of his face, not getting an answer. "Chris, open your eyes."

After a few minutes, she took her jacket off, before using it to apply pressure to his side wound. Jus by looking at him, she could tell that he'd lost a lot of blood. And he still was. She was determined not to let him die, though. To this day, she still loved him, after all.

"Come on, Chris. Stay with me, Argent," she called to him. She would've headed to the hospital the moment she saw him, but as a human on her own, she didn't think she could do it. Not without making it worse for him. Her only option was either calling for help or doing what she could for his wounds. He was a hunter, after all. Everything she needed was somewhere in the house. She just had to make a guess as to where.

When she was debating on how long she could leave him to grab what she needed to save him, she saw him wake up. He looked weak, though.

She rested a hand on the side of his face.

"Chris, hey," she greeted gently.


"It's me. I'm going to help you, but you need to stay awake. I'll be right back." She took his hand and put it over her jacket. Then she put her hand on his. "I need you to apply pressure." Then she got up and rushed to grab stuff from the bathroom upstairs.

When she came back, he was starting to go under again. She immediately began tending to him. This time, she had everything she needed to take care of him.

Chris woke up to find himself in bed and taken care of. He knew he had Katherine to thank.

He looked over at her seated on his bedside.


She gave a smile.

"You're welcome."

"What are you doing here?" he questioned.

"The cure was shoved down my throat. You're the first person I decided to come to for help," she explained.

"You know, you're welcome as long as you need to stay," he reminded her.

She gave a smile.


"You're welcome."

They gave each other a smile, before kissing. 

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