Old Flames Reunited (Chris/Kat)

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Summary: Set in TW S2. Kat ends up in Beacon Hills after escaping the prison world and Kai, having ended up in the prison world after she died in VD S8. When she ends up in Beacon Hills, she knows where she is, despite being injured from Kai, because she was in town as a vampire before she went to Mystic Falls in VD S2, so she knows both Hale wolves and Chris pretty well. Because she's injured, will she be found before it's too late? If so, who will find her? Will she be okay?

It was a nebulous night as Katherine, human, found herself in the woods after escaping the prison world and Kai, injured. Though injured, she recognized these woods. After all, she'd been here for a time as a vampire before going to Mystic Falls all those years ago. When she'd been in this town, she'd made a couple wolf friends and had had a connection with the town hunter. Especially, after he'd lost two family members to werewolves.

As she lay there, she thought of trying to get to him, but she knew she was too injured to go anywhere. She just had to wait for either Peter, Derek, or Chris to find her.

Chris was in the woods as usual, when he suddenly saw someone very familiar. He knew vampires could only be injured by werewolf bites, so he knew she wasn't one anymore. Then, when he went and knelt by her, he knew she was definitely human and injured. He didn't know how she was here, though. That didn't matter right now, though. What mattered was getting her to the hospital. He knew she didn't like them, but he didn't know injuries to this extent. He just knew it was pretty bad. This was something he couldn't tend to himself.

"Hang on, Katherine," he said, seeing that she was still awake. He could also see that she was starting to go under from her injuries and blood loss.

He gently picked her up and headed to the hospital.

When she woke up, she saw where she was. The hospital. Unlike usual though, she didn't care. She was just glad that Chris had found her in time to save her.

She sat up in bed slowly, knowing from experience that she had to be careful. She knew how easily she could get hurt or make it worse. This wasn't the first time she'd ended up in a hospital. Unlike last time though, she wasn't dying.

A few hours later, she was released, so she left the hospital to go find Chris. She needed a place to stay. She also needed protection in case any enemies decided to show up. And living with a hunter was the best protection next to supernatural creatures. At least, those that weren't her enemies.

Chris was at home, when he heard someone knock on the door. Wondering who or what it was, he went to the door, his usual gun in hand just in case, always being cautious as usual. It an instinct due to being raised up as a hunter, but also he was cautious since he lived alone now, considering he was the only Argent left that lived in the home. Plus, he didn't have much of allies or friends really. The closest he got to people like that were a couple werewolves and Katherine.

He opened his front door, once he reached it, only to be relieved when he saw that it was only Katherine, so he put the gun away, since she was no threat as a human. Although they were allies when she'd been a vampire, he knew to be cautious anyways because her as a vampire could be dangerous, but now she wasn't a danger.

"Katherine," he greeted her.

"Hi, Chris," she greeted back. "If it's okay with you, I was hoping I could stay here with you for a while. You could use the company and I could use the protection, just in case," she continued. "Thanks, by the way. You saved my life," she added.

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