The Fall Of Kate Argent

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Summary: Sort of a S5E1 prediction but also a one-shot. Chris is in search of Kat so he can kill her.

A/N: This is my very first TW fanfic, so please be kind.

It was a dark night, as Chris Argent walked through sewer tunnels, hand gun in hand, ready for anything. He believed that he had found where Kate was hiding out. Even though she was technically still his sister, she was a werewolf now, because Peter had unknowingly turned her. She had crossed the line as a human. As a werewolf, she was even more dangerous. That was why he was being cautious. She had the skill of a hunter and werewolf combined. That was what made her more dangerous than what she had been as a human.

He inched forward, as he heard a noise.

A moment later, Kate was in front of him with her werewolf face showing and claws out.

She walked towards him in a predatory way.

"Hello, Chris. Congratulations. You found me."

She smiled.

When she was close enough, he began to shoot bullets through her body.

When he thought her to be dead, he walked towards where she lay. He had to do something with her body now. At least, he had taken her down. She deserved it after everything she had done to everyone.

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