An Old Friend To The Rescue

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Summary: Remember when Chris came home injured in 3x6? What if human Kat found him and helped him?

It was a dismal night, as Chris Argent lay on the ground, injured from one of the masked and cloaked creatures. He'd been searching for answers as to how to kill the creatures, but they were like ghosts, unable to be touched by human nor werewolf, it seemed.

The creature began to approach, as his vision blurred from getting injured. The creatures was stopped, though. He blurrily saw Katherine appear, human, and use magic to destroy the thing. He knew her from his younger days. She'd helped him on occasion, back when she'd been a vampire. He knew she was descended from Travelers, so he assumed that was what she'd used.

After she destroyed the creature, whatever it was, saving him from it, she rushed to and knelt by the hunter.

She looked at him and saw his wounds. Since she didn't want to take the time to patch up his wounds, she magically healed him, which soon woke him up. Then he sat up and she helped him.

"Feeling better?" she asked.

"Yeah. A little. What are you doing here?"

He grabbed his gun from the ground, putting it away.

"I'm hiding from any enemies that might find out that I'm human. Any smart vampire would stay out of a town of werewolves."

She got to her feet, as did he.

Once he was in his car and was heading home, Kat headed to the loft. She was going to pop in for protection. She'd need it in case her enemies came to town.

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