TW/VD: Second Chances

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Summary: Set in future TW and VD S5 some time after Kat was turned into a human. Kat came to town after being turned into a human, which she learned from Chris was after the big battle and Allison's death. This is also somewhere after Kat had to watch Nadia die, so she's dealing with grieving for both of them. Chris has been taking a break from hunting, while he deals with what happened to Allison, so Kat has taken up that slack for him. When Kat's in the woods, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, she stumbles across Allison, apparently having come from somewhere, injured but alive. Where did she come from? What will ensue?

It was a dismal night, as Kat took a walk through the woods, silently. After getting the cure shoved down her throat, she'd come back to Beacon Hills for protection, in case her enemies got wind of her transformation. Chris had welcomed her back with open arms, considering they'd had a thing when she'd been a vampire. She'd half expected things to be quiet, but there'd been a big battle. She'd gotten here a little while after everything with the ghost riders, so Chris had had to tell her everything. Allison hadn't been her daughter, but she still missed her, just as surely as she did her own. She knew that loss, but she couldn't help him. Only time could. She knew she had Traveler magic as a human, but having seen consequences to bringing someone back to life, she wouldn't even attempt that.

She stopped walking, when she saw someone from a distance. As a newly turned back human, it was too dark for her to see, but it looked like someone limping in her direction.

The youngest Argent didn't know where she'd gone. She only remembered being killed she didn't know how long ago. She didn't know how, but she was in the familiar woods and injured. She just knew she had to get to her dad or the hospital. Whatever came first. She put an arm around her lower stomach and began limping, knowing even in her current state, the direction of the road.

When it felt like she'd walked for a while, her vision was blurry, so she started to approach a tree to help herself. Then she heard someone familiar that had been a mother-like figure to her after her mom's death. Katherine.

Kat stood by a tree to see who it was. Then, when she was close enough, she was shocked, recognizing her.

"Allison?" she inquired, before going to approach her, as the teen missed grabbing the tree to stay on her feet. Then she rushed over, catching her from behind, and realized that she was injured. She saw that her lower stomach was bleeding. She also had an arrow in her leg. "Stay with me, honey," Kat said, knelt on the ground with her against her.

Eventually, Kat made it to the SUV with her and then to the hospital. Since she had no clue where Allison had come from, she hadn't bothered touching the arrow in her leg. Anything was possible, so if she'd encountered the only psycho witch that Kat knew of, she didn't want to take chances.

Kat sat in a chair, as she waited for news, and called Chris. He was the first person, since he was the only parent she had left. Plus, pretty much everyone had grown up and left town.

"Hey. I'm okay, but I need you to meet me at the hospital. There's something you should see. I'll explain everything when you get here," she told him, when he answered.

Since he assumed it had to be something important, he agreed to meet her there without any questions.

Kat got up from the chair, when she saw Chris come inside and head over to her.

"What's wrong?" he immediately asked her.

"Your daughter's alive, so that's a plus," she informed him.

"What?" he inquired. "She died. How can she be alive?"

"I don't know. I was in the woods, looking out for anything under the ordinary while you recovered. Tonight, I found her in the woods. I don't know where she came from, but she was injured. She should be out of surgery soon, I'm assuming. If we're lucky, she'll know what happened to her. If not, we'll figure this out. The rest of you have aged and moved on, but Allison is the same age as she was when she died. Wherever she went when she died, she didn't age," she informed him.

She put hands on his arms, as he tried to process and comprehend that Allison was somehow, maybe from some kind of miracle if they were lucky, was alive. It was a relief if it was true, but he didn't want to get too much of his hopes up. He'd seen too much in the past several years of his life to believe something until it was proven.

"Why don't you sit down while we wait," she suggested, and helped him sit, before going to sit down again.

Several hours later, she was out of surgery and finally awake, so Chris and Kat went to both see and talk with her.

Kat went over to stand at her bedside, while Chris went to sit on her bedside.

"You're alive," he said, as they hugged. Seeing her alive, truly, he knew that Katherine was right. Not that Katherine would've lied about this, but he just had a hard time believing some things sometimes. He'd seen too much since he first became a hunter. Then, after a few minutes, they pulled away.

"We're happy that you're alive, but it's been a few years, according to what your dad told me when I first came back here. How are you alive? I'm pretty familiar with people coming back to life a lot, but there's normally an explanation or magic involved," Kat informed and wanted to know.

"I don't remember where I came from. I remember dying and then I found myself in the woods tonight. Thank you, by the way," Allison replied.

"It's okay. We'll figure this out," Chris assured her.

"If you want to stay with her, I'll do a sweep of the woods. See if there's anything that'll tell us what happened," Kat told Chris. She knew if it was a prison world she'd escaped, there'd be an ascendant left behind. If not, then she hoped to find some other clue as to what happened. And if they needed to worry about anyone else coming back from the dead. It was good to have Allison alive, but most other people she knew needed to stay dead.

"Be careful," Chris cautioned her, although he knew he didn't have to. She always knew how to be careful around most supernatural things.

"I'll do my best," she replied, before leaving, heading back to the woods.

When she went into the woods again, she didn't find anything to tell her where she'd come from, so she headed back.

It had been a few weeks since Katherine had found her in the woods. Katherine had suggested and worked with her on how to help her get her memory back. Now, it was back. She'd ended up in the phantom station after she'd been killed by an Oni a few years ago. Then she'd, after a long time, figured out a way to escape. And that's how she'd ended up in the woods. So far, no one else had come back to life, so everything was well with that. Allison was getting back into the swing of things, while Chris and Kat continued their relationship. And so, everyone was happy as they could be.

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