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Bill POV

"Is it normal for it to walk this early?"

The Bitch asked the Bastard as I continue to try and fail to get up on my own two legs an walk...the floor was nothing not I'm starting to feel a slight pain in my face.... Good thing they don't care enough to stop me Haha.

"I don't care that shit wouldn't be useful to me until it's older an you know that we're low on money and you know I'd never want you to back there right darling~"

"Oh hon you're amazing~"

I think I just threw up a little... nope that's still drool ew... And it seems for some reason it seem were in a 'world' where these asses aren't demon's just supposed shitty humans who'd rather fuck all day then actually try an get a job. It seems there plan is waiting till I can communicate enough to do jobs for them, what they are, I don't know. I know I'm too learn the piano as soon as possible which is easy sense I still remember how. Next was waiting till I was "of age" to bring in the "big money" whatever the fuck that was. Keeping me in the dark is driving me insane, but this is a mind prison what do I expect.


For the count that I still can talk I just look up at the bastard with a my face still on the floor.

'I'll give up once you're dead!'

"*Gurgle* *raspberries* DEAD!"

So that's the part that was coherent??

"Ahhh look!! He called you Dad"

Bitch the fuck you mean....ugh I remember her stupidity pissing me off an actual seeing again well ..... PISSES ME OFF.

"Great... just a new way to wake us up as night."

"Oh, come on hon you know we're not sleep anyway hehehe"

An this time I actually do throw up...or was it spit up with baby's??
Either was something came out my mouth an now it seem they're whole mood changed.


Bitch we both know you could have phrased that better. Why is he holding me upside down?? Hasn't he realized I don't go to the bathroom...I actually haven't eaten anything either how did I throw up in the 1st place. Mind prisons are weird.

"Try not to drowned worthless child."

Not the 1st time I've heard that wai-

My train of thought was cut off as I hit the water if the tub. It seems I have been thrown in a tub. You know I have knowledge on swimming but I've never actually done it because I can float...I don't have my powers anymore. I have to lift my own body weight. I'm a fucking child. I CAN'T BARLEY WALK AN I'M FREAKING OUT.

I feel the water enter my lungs an I hear foot steps fading away. At first I thought I was dying an the foot steps were coming closer, that was until I clearly heard the door close. They left me in the tub to drown. My vision fading an when I thought I had a piece of hope nothing happened and everything went black.

Next thing I know I'm waking up again but everything feels different an my head hurts like hell.


I was still very confused an...and concerned? But I knew better then to keep him waiting... wait why do I care?






Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit


I yell a little quieter than before, as I get up an run to where he's is. I actually have no clue but it seem there's some type of muscle memory. I should be more concerned that just a few minutes ago I was a infant an now I'm guessing I'm 4. But this for myself concern an anger take over my rational thinking.

 But this for myself concern an anger take over my rational thinking

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(Oi fuck off Zᴉɼɼ)

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