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(I added extra eye bags, but please support the actual artist , seriously there art's really pretty✨) (An I have to thank obsidian_idiot because there profile pic gave me this idea to continue off my own ✨✨)

Bill's POV

It's just another...I can't even say another day because the time here is fucking fuck up. All I know is that I finally reached my actual height, which means I most likely aged again. After the inpaled incident. I've been stabbing myself none stop hoping to feel some form of joy. I'm aware I'm seem insane but... I'm already an so really doesn't matter. Plus this isn't my actual body reason being it's clear Tad has never seen me bleed cause he making my blood look red, which it is not it's yellow like my whole fucking persona.

But that's not important right now what's important is me trying not to be hit... again. With a hot frying pan? Pan? Skillet?? I don't know what it is exactly I just know it just came off the stove and I don't feel like being slapped with it-




oh no the fuck he did not.

"THIS TRASH OF A WHORE WILL NEVER EVER BE MY MOTHER AS LONG AS I SAY SO" I say angerly as I point my hand in the general direction of the Bitch standing behind me. An just as I'm expecting another kick or slap from my words they seem to freeze in some type of shock. It mustn't have been from what I said I've called them much worst when I was so called 5 years old.
That's when my bastard of a father grads my hands an I see my mistake.... I turn to my right to see the bitch her self now holding a knife and a chopping board indicating after she slapped me sht was gonna have the bastard take care of me but she must have been angered by my words an turned around with the knife in her hand so when I was accusing her my hand ran right into the knife. An my lack of reaction is what caught there attention.

"Billy Cipher my boy how long have you've been able to do such a trick?"

...Did....Did this Bastard just say Billy?? My... my name's not Billy. Tad your information is trash. It's Killen, Billiam, and William. Our mother had this werid obsession with -ill names so to compromise Dad named Kill - Killen instead of Kisol... I'm dead serious. Mom picked me an Wills names so we didn't even have a chance. Anyway...

"Not that long."

"Don't like to me boy" he says as he slaps my face I wasn't expecting it an my face already hurts from the pain so I let out a hiss of pain.

"Now this could get us some money you don't feel any from your stabs wounds cause I just stabbed you in the leg before my darling hit you ya lying brat"

"Can you really call it lying if I never told you?"

"Shut your mouth smartass"

"Everyone's a smartass compared to you dumbass Bitch."
I mumble under my breath but it seems they hear it quite clearly.


And that goes back an forth for a couple hours with insults, questions, plans, an none hilarious pain.

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