Past relationship (singular)

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Billiam Cipher was a charming fellow before he became insane. But some still saw that charm even when he became insane. So let's backtrack this story to Bill's seemingly last an to Bill only relationship with a beautiful demon who went by the name of...(shit idk Google I need help, Google didn't help I asked my friends on Discord for help 💀 it was not an easy task getting this name 😑) went by Miela (It was hard enough finding a 1st name don't except a last 😐 Anyway let's get this important filler started)

No one's POV

Pyronica is one of Bill's best friends his right hand man sort of speak. An Pyronica's good friend Miela was always around Bill too sense wherever Bill went Pyronica follow so she joined too. Miela...well looked like something that came out of a nightmare. Centipede body, with the torso an head resembling a human. People feared her from her speed an agility but other than that she was quite weak the only reason she got to hang around Bill an the group that is still growing, was because she was a close friend of Pyronica's, so Bill let her roam around an do minor needed task, she had respect but not nearly as much as Bill an Pyronica.

(I ligit looked up "original characters snake" an got this an said perfect!)

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(I ligit looked up "original characters snake" an got this an said perfect!)

This was still in the early ages were Bill hasn't been insane for long an the nightmare crew consisted of Teeth, 8-Ball, Keyhole, Lava lamp shape, and of course Pyronica. They were strong, but not nearly as strong as they needed to be. So from causing destroction, throwing party's, an overall talking an working on none shady deals Bill was quite busy collecting followers, powerful followers. Pyronica suggested he stay out of his humanoid form while collecting followers an he listened, only being in that form in his office (as time went on he stopped completely reason being it got to hard to hide it constantly going back an forth). Being so Pyronica, Miela, an teeth cause he couldn't see just smell, which was still weird, were the only once to walk into his office without knocking.

When he 1st met Miela, it was when he was still sane, Pyronica an Miela went insane by choice because they thought it was fun. But they still because friends sense Bill has always been weird an aloof in general before insanity made it worst. Bill always thought Miela was pretty, he would talk to Will about her for hour's, Will never understood what he saw in her he thought she was terrifying, an her personality was strange, an when Bill was sane that's one thing he agreed with. She found too much joy in scaring people so, he never really tried to ask her out. But now he had to many people watching him to be in a relationship so when he could he'd look at her from afar. The only person who knew about his crush on Miela was Will, sense the chances of Pyronica getting drunk an telling Miela were high Bill never did. But as time went on Miela noticed this so she took the first step for him.

Miela's POV

"Hey Py-Py you know where Billy is?" I asked Pyronica as I'm in the wall looking at her.

"Why do you call him that? Why does he let you call him that? Get of my wall, an he's most likely in his office" Pyronica sasses back asking questions/demands request she know won't be answered or followed.

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