Chapter 11 (short chapter)

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Angels POV:

Luna looked up at me with dark coffee-coloured eyes, the fluorescent lights casting reflections in her pupils. Her eyes fit her. Her face, her name; the girl named Luna with eyes of the sky. Acorn-coloured waves fell just below the bottom of her neck, concealing the white scar that wrapped around it. She looked better with short hair, seemed happier.

My shirt fit like a dress around her figure, carefully outlining her hips and falling loosely around her stomach. The belt used to hold up the black pants was hardly a belt at all; a nylon cord that wrapped through the belt loops to keep the waist of the pants above her hips, tied in a simple sliding knot.

"Breakfast?" I asked, still holding her face in my fingers. She shook her head and smiled.

"I've got some things to do, you go." The glint in her eyes looked mischievous; she was up to something.

"OK..." I grinned back at her, still trying to figure out what she was doing. She bit back a laugh.

"Go, go." she ushered me out of the room, leading me by one of my fingers and pushing me out of the door, her voice just on the brink of a laugh.

"I'm going! I'm going." I chuckled, raising my hands above my head. I turned around in time to catch the closing door with one hand, the other falling to my side. I didn't want to leave her. "you sure you don't want breakfast?" I stalled, thinking about what Stephano might do to either of us if he found me alive.

"I'll be fine, go. Go do something." She pushed me further out of the room and shut the door. I stood in front of the closed door, still not wanting to go to the dining hall. "Are you still there?" Luna asked from inside the room. I turned and left, embarrassed she knew.

This chapter is really short because I want to go into Luna's pov.
Also, the next chapter may take a bit bc I'll be away for 2 weekends in a row and weekdays are packed with school so I'll see u eventually. (It'll probably be out within two weeks, I write to procrastinate lol)

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