Chapter 12 Eavesdrop

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Luna's pov:

I could hear Angelo on the other side of the door, still standing where I left him. I understood that he didn't want to go alone but I needed to see Amber; she wouldn't get away with what she had done and there was no way I would take Angel with me.

I folded my old clothes out of habit and placed the dirk into the belt loop, securing it with the pressure of the cord. I still didn't have shoes but I suppose that wasn't necessary when the only walking I was doing was on a sanded deck or carpeted floors. I still had my sandals if I felt the need for them.

All the steamy air slipped from around me as I stepped through the threshold, the comfortable warmth fading with it. I stood for a moment in shock at the sudden drop in temperature, my wet hair soaking the back of my shirt. His shirt.

A sliver of panic wedged into my chest as I quickly realized I didn't know where I was. I had never been in this area of the ship before. A woman had no place in the men's chambers let alone in the showers where the men reside. Then again a woman had no place on a ship run by mafia men, her hair cut short, a sharpened dirk in her pocket and no chaperone to keep her humble but there I was.

"Lost?" I jumped at the sound of Angel's voice.
"Why are you still here?" I wanted to go to Amber alone.
"Are you lost?" He repeated, ignoring the question.
"Why are you still here." I pressed. I was relieved to know I wasn't alone but I couldn't go to Amber with him around.
"I asked first" this argument was so juvenile, I started getting frustrated with him.
"Angelo you need to leave." My frustration was quickly met with anger, creating a boiling feeling in my chest. I clenched my jaw to keep my mouth shut. Angel stayed where he was, not breaking his gaze. "Sorry" I apologized, feeling guilty for being so irritable.
"Why are you apologizing?" He looked kinder when I looked back up at him, a mix of concern and understanding in his eyes. I shook my head and looked away; he had just shown me the showers, leant me his clothes and protected me when it could have killed him. I shook my head, scolding myself for being so foolish. Tears threatened to fall from my eyelids, blurring my vision and burning my eyes.
"Sorry" I repeated, trying to blink the tears away.
"Do you want help getting somewhere?" He offered.
"Yes. Thank you." I kept my face pointed away from him.
"Where?" I wanted to go back to my bed, I couldn't cry if I wanted to confront her.
"The infirmary. I need to speak with Amber." I couldn't see his reaction but my cheeks burned red with the feeling of his eyes fixed on my face. He led the way through the ship, keeping a steady pace as he guided me through the maze of halls and doors. I was surprised; he had lost so much blood not long ago and hadn't eaten in 24 hours but he still seemed to have the same strength as he did before.

He lifted his finger to his lips to shush me as we approached the door, opened by about 45 degrees. We could hear Stephano and Amber speaking quietly on the other side, something was wrong.
"We're running out of supplies." Angelo translated when we were out of sight from the door.
"What does that entail?" I whispered back. He put his finger up and cocked his head, listening to the voices.
"We need to go to the mainland but it's risky, Stephano says there's unresolved business where Amber wants to go." Their voices quickened and grew louder, giving the effect of an argument. I watched Angel's face grow pale as he continued to listen.
"What's happening?" I mouthed, I wasn't sure if I wanted an answer.
"You might want to talk to Amber anoth-" he stopped suddenly, rising from his haunches to his feet, I followed. I had almost completely forgotten about what I had come here to do.
"What?" I breathed silently, scrutinizing his expression for a clue.
"Sh" He cut me off. "Hide" his eyes grew wide as he scrambled to find a place for protection. I pushed on a door that opened into a janitor's closet and pulled Angel in with me. We could still hear the growing voices on the other side but they were significantly quieter. The door closed just before heavy footsteps passed outside. I stiffened as the shadow paused just outside the door. Everything stopped. Instinctively, I placed my hand on the dirk. Both of us held our breath as we waited for whoever it was to leave. Stephano's voice called out to Amber and when there was no response, he walked quickly over into the infirmary and closed the door.

"They're talking about heading into the east and settling on the mainland for a few weeks." he whispered after some time had passed, I could barely hear him above the voices -still arguing- from inside the infirmary.
"That's a bad thing?" I questioned his worried complexion. He paused, his hand resting on the latch that closed us off from the light.
"I don't want to worry you but I have a.." he paused searching for a word "friend? who may be waiting for us where Amber wants to dock."
"Your friend being..." I sensed that this "friend" wasn't a friend at all.
"Nothing for you to worry about" he sighed. "If we need to dock, we need to dock." he pulled open the door, letting in a blaze of light. He paused before walking out, as if he wanted to say more, then shook his head and walked away. I wanted to know more.
"Wait, why didn't we dock earlier?" I asked, "Before we started running out of supplies and when we had another site to dock at?"
"It's not that simple," he replied plainly, still facing away from me. I felt bad pestering him with questions but I needed a sufficient answer. I caught up to him, stopping in front of him so that he was forced to look me in the eyes.  "I don't know." He admitted.
"Is it certain that we'll dock?" I pressed, curiosity taking over.
"No but it's likely." his patience was exasperating.
"Soon." he paused, waiting for more questions. "I wouldn't advise you to go see Amber quite yet, give her a couple of nights to cool off,"  he said after a time. I had almost forgotten about Amber with all commotion.   
"I wasn't planning to." I kept my voice quieter than his, the voices in the infirmary were getting quieter. I worried about someone hearing us.
"We should go. there's no point in staying here when the only thing we can do is get caught." I whispered, my eyes passing back and forth from Angel to the door. He nodded and left, not pausing for me to catch up. I hesitated then followed; there was no point in waiting.

Thanks for reading this far!!! Idk if u guys can see but I'm almost at 200 reads, I wouldn't b able to do this without all of u. Have a good day bubs!!! <3
I'll have the next chapter out soon.

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