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The Russian's slender, manicured fingers fly rapidly on the keyboard of her Macbook, and the sound of her typing fills up the whole, silent room. Rain droplets pour continuously outside, with flashes of lightning lighting up the dark skies. Probably Thor's work. Her emerald eyes are glued on the screen and inspiration keeps flowing into her mind, making herself busy. Natasha Romanoff has her stomach flat on her bed and she is typing a story. Apart from martial arts, writing is her greatest passion. People'll probably change their minds on this world's famous super spy, if they know she spends her free time curled up in her room.

She has her long, red hair down and she's lazy to blow it dry after her bath. She's wearing a grey jacket with matching sweatpants, the perfect attire for a cold, rainy day. It's approaching midnight but Natasha doesn't give a damn about the time, she won't let her inspiration drift away like that.

The door creaks open and a click is heard, Natasha raises her left eyebrow but her vision never leaves the screen. A kindly, masculine voice attracts her attention a little and she recognizes it delightfully.

"Shouldn't you be in bed now, Nat?"

The tone within the man's voice is obviously full of concern, it gives her a warm, fuzzy feeling in her heart. Soft footsteps towards her bed and the closing of the door are heard.

"I'm already in bed, Rogers."

Natasha replies sarcastically and turns to look at Steve Rogers with a winning smirk on her plump lips, who shakes his head a little and lets out a sigh. The redhead always wins him at comebacks. He sits cross legged beside her on her bed.

"Fair enough, you win this time." Steve's baby blue eyes dart to the screen and sees rows of words, "What's keeping you up so late at night?"

"Nothing personal, just a little story I typed, wanna read up?" She scoots a little to the side and lets him read, "It's definitely appropriate." Natasha smiles sweetly with mock hidden in her tone.

Steve smirks at her lightly with his blue eyes slightly widen, a little unconvinced by her words, "You can write?"

"Are you looking down at me now, Rogers?" She's offended by his comment and raises a perfect eyebrow. "It's not like spies are stupid."

"For God's sake, Nat. That's obviously not what I meant!" He puts his hands up in the air, and Natasha only smirks more.

"Read it, read it." She urges.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Steve replies with slight sarcasm dripping in his tone, while his eyes follow the words on the screen.

Comfortably, the redhead lays her head on his thigh. He secretly blushes a little but he covers up quickly. Her red hair is still dripping wet and he doesn't seem to mind that much, she smiles a little when he decides to take a bit of time to read her story.

It was there. A figure that stood 9 feet tall stood formidably, like a giant in front of Talia. She stared with her wide, topaz eyes in great fear, but no one could save her. Her limbs felt heavy and they were stuck to the ground. She saw a humongous pair of horns sticking on top of its head, red bloodshot eyes glared at her and they glow like rubies, an enormous pair of dragon-like wings on its back, its build reminded Talia of a Griffin.

"I'm impressed, Romanoff." Not sure if Steve is speaking sarcasm to her, or he really means it. Natasha raises a left eyebrow and crosses her arms.

"Are you being sarcastic?" She gets up and sits cross legged like Steve. Natasha looks at him straight in the eye, her expression means that she's demanding for an answer.

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