Chapter Eighteen

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Natasha's been in the washroom for a while now, I hate the fact that she concerns and worries me. What the heck is she doing inside for so long? Tony's constantly asking me on when is Natasha going to show up. I guess I need to take a tour to the washroom, everyone's waiting for her. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my back.

Turning around, I see Maria with her eyebrows arched. "Let's check up on her, I feel something's not right." She suggests, that's exactly my intention to. I don't decline her. Without wasting any more time, Maria and I head to find Natasha.

"Nat??" I call, hoping for a response saying 'I'm here, you dork', but silence is the answer given. I have an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, it's the anxiousness twisting and acting up. "Nat, it's not funny! Nat!!"

"We should check her room.." Maria adds. Without further thinking, the both of us burst into Natasha's room but we see nobody. As I'm in a panicking state, Maria calls my name.

"Steve, Natasha's crying in here. Natasha? Open up." Maria knocks the door softly, just to not startle her. She twists the doorknob but it's locked. With quick thinking, Maria takes a black Bobby pin from her hair and starts to pick the doorknob.

The door opens thanks to Maria, but what we see just stuns and freezes us. Natasha is sitting in a corner, crying but looking dazed. She doesn't seem to notice our presence. Glass pieces scatter the whole floor, and the mirror is broken.

"Natasha... What the hell?" I exclaim and cuss in great shock. Before Maria can stop me, I rush into the bathroom after slipping on bath slippers. She yells at me to be careful of the shattered glass, but all I think off is getting Natasha out. Scooping her small body up in my arms, I hear Natasha mumble softly.

"Steve..." Natasha clings onto me as I carry her out of the washroom. I gently set her down on her bed, examining her trembling arms and legs to see if she's injured, but luckily she is unharmed. Maria stands beside me with slightly gaping lips, she couldn't believe this.

Natasha suddenly sits up from her bed, wanting to get down. Both Maria and I stop her but earned a few punches and slaps, "Natasha, for god's sake where are you going?!" She literally yelled at her, but obvious concern is heard from her tone.

"I need to be outside! We're all in danger!" Natasha retorts, Maria will probably think she has gone crazy, but I can guess out what she means. Tchort. Our hold on Natasha softens and she sees her opportunity to escape, she does.

"Nat!! Wait!!" I call, both me and Maria try to catch up on her.



My heart races and thumps madly when I run, like it's gonna spring out from my chest anytime. I pray hard that I'm not too late, I hate seeing more bloodshed from the people I truly love, and care about.

I arrive where everyone gathers around a huge, double layer fruit cake with white icing. I only feel slight relief when I see everything, everyone in a piece. Tony, Bruce, Clint.. Even Fury, Edith and Thor have arrived.

Everyone's looking at me with glimpses of worry, "Nat, you alright? It's been fifteen minutes since Stark brought the cake out.. And you look.. Feared." Dammit Birdbrain you don't have to state out the last word. I think to myself while faking a genuine smile and shaking my head. Clint hands Liho to me.

"Sorry to keep everybody waiting. Hi Fury, Thor, Edith." I apologize and greet sincerely with an apologetic smile, while mentally hesitating whether I should tell all of them the truth about Tchort. I don't want to ruin the mood of the party, but I don't want to be selfish. Once, my selfishness has sacrificed lives before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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