Love is in the air in Mumbai

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@IsabellaEvans7 Belle, you have no idea how much you mean to me.

This whole writing thing is all because of you :)

I am glad I met you :')

And of course, thanks for supporting my story ;)

Love you my girl..... *squeal with joy and shouts "HOLY COW!"*

Holy Macaroni ! You rock girl <3


Days passed and things have got better. Not that Jensen Ackles has given me a hug or anything, but life's still good.

Life is going on and I am very happy with everything for once.

Hrihan and I have got close as friends. In case you are wondering, I did tell him about Ayush. He just laughed and told me to wait for the one who would do anything to be my everything. His words got carved in my mind and heart.

Finally our dance competition was after a week, so we stayed hours after school practicing and practicing. The dance was really exhausting, but it was fun.

The competition was going to be held in the Pink city of India- Jaipur. I was very excited as we were going to stay over there for a full week and were going to do some sightseeing after the competition.

Soon the day came near and for the first time, the sound of alarm at 4:30 am didn't bother me at all. I quickly woke up and dressed up in a pair of blue jeans and a cute red top. I did my hair as usual, which meant that I tied it in a ponytail. I tied a band to my hair to keep the loose strands away from my face. I reached my school at 5:15 to see that everyone was present. I ran towards Bhakti, while my Dad carried my bag and went to talk to some other parents.

We all 15 kids were very ecstatic and our teacher found it extremely difficult to control us. After all we were like a herd of loony baboons.

Our bus finally arrived at 7 and I hugged my dad and said a good bye, while he gave me ridiculous amount of money to spend. I laughed and gladly took it while he winked at me and told me to enjoy. We soon got into the bus and I sat besides Bhakti.

Just when I sat on my seat, my phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out to see a notification on Facebook. It was from Hrihan, he had posted on my wall -

Happy Journey Menon ! :*

Get a gift for me, or else you know what I'll do :P

I miss you already <3

I lightly chuckled after reading that. His threats to leak my secret, about Ayush, were increasing day by day. I replied to his post and shut my phone to avoid any more distractions.

Clicking pictures, singing songs, eating snacks and dancing to some songs, we finally reached Mumbai after 3 hours.

The GK school of Mumbai was huge, unlike our school. A huge garden and children's park welcomed us, while the red bricked path took us to a huge fountain, which stood in front of the elite looking school.

It didn't look like a school at all.

We went inside the huge building and were assigned our rooms. We met all the other winners of our state who participated in other competitions like Singing, debate and skit.

We were not allowed to stay at hotels, so necessary arrangements were made in the school, for us to stay. I opened the door of our room and saw that it was the cultural room.

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