Chapter 6: iRuined Freddie

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Sam's POV

5 hours into the flight and only 1 hour and 20 minutes left. That whole 5 hours... Freddie's been holding my hand. And I'm going crazy. Ok well, not really. On the outside I'm just like... Oh, Fredwiener is holding my hand. I'm too lazy to move it so I'm going to keep it there.

But on the inside... I'm the total opposite. Like seriously, I'm literally like this... OHMIGOD OHMIGOD! FREDDIE FREAKING BENSON IS HOLDING MY HAND! I'M GONNA DIE! EEEEK!

I know he's just being nice and trying to comfort my anxiety but seriously... this is so sweet of him! I expected him to of let go by the time we lifted of from the ground but nope. His hand stayed in mine for 5 hours. 5 HOURS!!! God that's so unlikely of me. I'm gushing over Fredamame Benson...

More like Fredbabe Benson...

Ugh, it's my conscience... what do you want?

You don't just have a crush Fredbabe... you loooove him!

I do not! I just have a small crush that will fade away...

Oh sure... just a 'crush' that will 'fade away'. Yep. And Gibby is now the President of the US. Just admit the fact that you are so in love with him but won't admit it because you have zero chance with a hot guy like him.

"I hate you so much can you just stop talking and leave me alone! You are so annoying! GOSH!!!" Everyone is looking at me weirdly.... why? I look over to Freddie who has a hurt look drawn on his face... oh my gosh I said that last bit out loud and Freddie thinks I'm talking to or about him. I'm such an idiot.

Freddie lets go of my hand and gets out of his seat and walks down the little pathway. Why am I so stupid?! I look back and see Freddie enter the bathroom. Probably gonna cry or just vent. I'm so stupid.

I hear a ding... it's my phone. I thought I put it on airplane mode? Yep, I did... oh, I never knew my phone can get calls and texts even though I have airplane mode. Cool... now I think it's stupid to have an airplane mode.

From: Carls ✿
To: Sam luvs Ham ☪
Wat did u do 2 Freddie? Y is he upset? Y did he lock himself in the bathroom? Y did u yell unexpectedly? Is he upset bcuz of wat u yelled? Did u yell @ him? Sam u need 2 tell me wat happened! Carls xx 

I look at the text and think of a way to respond. I mean... what do I say? "I was very angry at my conscience so I decided to yell unexpectedly at it and I guess Freddie thought I was yelling at him?!" Half of that sounds stupid. I'll just put her off the subject... yeah.

From: Sam luvs Ham ☪
To: Carls ✿
Can we talk about this l8er? In person? It'll b easier. Now, how cool is this? We can txt each other while on da plane even tho airplane mode is on! But it's also rly dumb to have an airplane mode even tho I can probz do a lot of regular things like I do @ home. Ttyl? Sam luvs Ham xx

I put my phone on silent and on do not disturb so I don't have to answer or reply to Carly's 'urgent' texts that I don't give about. I turn my head to the back and see Freddie walking towards our seat with his head down and a slightly red face.

Once he gets back to our seats, he grabs a few tissues from his bag and wipes his eyes and face with them. I sit back and look down with guilt. I swear, it feels like I just devoured a whole ham that was full of guilt. My mind is screaming at me saying that I don't deserve Freddie and that I'm so pathetic. My heart is pounding and telling me to give up on Freddie. And my body, it's not telling me anything... but it's slightly breaking down.

I've only experienced this type of thing twice... when I was hanging from the window washer's platform thing and I was almost close to dying. And the other time was when my father left. I know right now isn't a huge problem but, I pretty much ruined Freddie's Summer Break... stupid conscience! I guess my mission this Summer Break is not to have fun and to not be bored out of mind, but it's to fix Freddie and tell him everything... including my feelings.


Oh my gosh! This pretty much changed everything! But not for long *smirk*. Sorry for any mistakes :)

-iDreamAboutSeddie ☯

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