Chapter 9: iHave a Nightmare

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Sam's POV

After that awkward but nice hug Freddie gave me, Carly and Spencer walked through the door with food. We ate dinner, nothing exciting. Just Chinese food, and headed off to bed. So far boring right? Deal with it.

I got into my bed and Freddie got into his. I turned and faced him and he did the same. He smiled his cute boyish smile and said goodnight to me. "Na night Sam." I smiled and blushed. "Na night." It was our weird way of saying goodnight to each other. It's stupid, but cute.

~Sam's Dream~

I was 5 years old again and I was at the park with my dad. He sat me on his shoulders so I can reach the monkey bars.

We were having a fun time at the playground. We played ran around, tag/tiggy, went on the slide, swinged on the swing set and watched the clouds.

We were walking home through the park when the same guy who murdered my dad popped out of no where and stabbed my dad to death. I ran away, not looking back. Dreading that day ever since.

~End of Dream~

I woke up terrified. I could feel my eyes starting to water. I knew I was going to break down into sobs, but I can't. I had to respect that Freddie is tired and he wants some sleep. I couldn't help it thought, I had to start sobbing. That scene painfully scarred me 'til this very day.

Freddie's POV

I was having a peaceful dream when all of a sudden, a loud cry woke me up. I instantly sat up from my bed and looked to my left to see Sam sobbing in her sleep.

She sat up slowly as well and turned to me with an apologetic expression on her face. "I'm sorry Freddie. I didn't mean to wake you up. Dammit, I'm stupid." I instantly rushed over to Sam's bed and hugged her as tight as possible into my side while allowing her head to rest on my chest.

"You are not sorry because you did nothing, okay? And you're far from stupid. Now, would you like me to make you hot chocolate?" Sam just nods and we slowly walk to the kitchen. I tried letting her go to make the two mugs of chocolate, but she just wouldn't let go. I decided to just let her grip onto me.

It was hard making the hot chocolate with one hand, I even almost spilled the hot milk onto Sam. Luckily I didn't otherwise, I would have been a dead man.

Once the hot chocolate was done, Sam took her mug, still gripping onto me and walked over to the couch in the living room of our hotel.

"Freddie, why are you being so nice to me?" I just smile and kiss her forehead. "Because you deserve to be treated well." Sam just covers her hands to her face. I can tell she's blushing and grinning like an idiot.

"Aww!! Is Lil' Samanthers blushing?!" Sam, still crimson red, uncovers her face and sacks my arm. Well... That did not go according to plan.


To be honest... I have no idea how long that line is. Anyway... I'm so sorry for not updating any sooner!! I've just had writer's block and then I got issues with my wifi and my laptop and my phone!! I am back for a good six weeks though because... SUMMER/CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR'S/AUS DAY BREAK!! Sorry for any mistakes :)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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