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YeoSang sent Mingi when the boy finally woke up, and called to some degree of urgency, which had HongJoong telling Mingi to get WooYoung to head to the medical bay, and stay out of the door unless called for, and he himself rushed to where the boy had been holed up. He did not really know what to expect, and was literally walking into an unknown, not the first time, probably not the last, but HongJoong hated not knowing more than anything else. It did not stop him, walking confidently through the door to see YeoSang trying to keep a lashing out Omega on the bed.

"Hyung!" YeoSang looked half relieved. "Hey, hey, look, Captain is here." He said the words calmly, despite the flustered look upon his face and the redness in his cheeks, and the glow in his eyes. He was barely handling himself. SeongHwa, for his part, stopping struggling against YeoSang once he heard the words, eyes cutting towards HongJoong, his eyes pure gold, not a hint of his previous brown to be seen.

Great, now I got a Feral on my hands. HongJoong thought to himself, not able to spare another thought as the Omega launched himself from YeoSang onto HongJoong, pushing him backwards, catching his body so that he did not slam into the floor, but otherwise, was staring him down as he waited, tense, and anxious. HongJoong could practically sense the anxiety that was flooding the boy. They should have prepared for something like this, he supposed.

"Where...Is...Wooyoung?" The Omega could barely speak, his words coming out breathless. HongJoong lifted his hands, slowly, letting the other see him as he did so. He slowly curled his fingers around the back of his neck, squeezing slightly, pulling the boy down to him, pressing his head to his chest so that he could hear his heart without any question as he spoke and know that he was not lying.

"WooYoung is safe with us, and he is headed to us as we speak, okay?" HongJoong felt as SeongHwa recognized the words, and registered the heartbeat having not once lifted in worry or anxiety, and the boy relaxed on top of him, going from about ready to claw him to shreds, to clinging to him. HongJoong stared at YeoSang, rather shocked at the sudden development as the Omega curled his head into his neck whispering thanks over and over again. "Hey, hey, it's okay." HongJoong plied the Omega from his body, pulled him into a more seated position, watching him carefully.

"I-I'm sorry," The boy said, his eyes faced downwards, not wanting to look at HongJoong. "I j-just wanted to make sure Youngie is safe." The words were practically whispered.

"I know," HongJoong said simply. "He is safe, and there is nothing for you to fret about. He is coming down soon. I sent Mingi to go and get him." SeongHwa was panting slightly, the exhertion of continually fighting against an Alpha getting to him.

"You are...are the Pirates. The one that know Youngie." HongJoong nodded leaving SeongHwa contemplating, likely trying to test how honest that they were being. "I..." SeongHwa did not really get to continue whatever it was that he was going to say as the door opened and WooYoung rushed in, leaving SeongHwa scrambling up to his feet. He snatched WooYoung into a very tight hug, nails digging into the tee shirt, but not enough to hurt, it was the same with HongJoong and YeoSang interestingly enough.

HongJoong had noticed that. Despite the fact that the boy had been near out of his mind, he had not aimed to hurt, any of them. In fact he had made sure that his nails did not dig into them, and he had barely even gripped hard enough to hurt. Was that...an Omega thing too? He doubted it, shaking off the mere suggestion, no, that would be a SeongHwa thing. He had heard stories of Omegas being more than capable of slicing a man to shreds. Seonghwa did not try. Had not wanted to, he just wanted to know where WooYoung was, and therefore had not been willing to hurt anyone until he knew where he was. Gods help them had they actually taken him against his will.

"Hyung!" WooYoung giggled, HongJoong now glancing over to see that SeongHwa was studiously searching every inch of WooYoung to ensure that he was not hurt or hiding any sort of injuries. The sight made HongJoong smile a bit. He was glad to see that WooYoung had someone who was so protective of him. "Hyung, you need to let HongJoong speak to you now." The other cut his eyes towards the two alphas in the room.

"W-Which one is that again?" SeongHwa whispered to WooYoung, who just laughed and gestured towards him. SeongHwa's eyes widened. "Uh, Youngie, He isn't gonna kill me right?"

"What did you do?" WooYoung questioned, the two now acting as though nobody could hear their conversation.

"Sort of, barreled into them and almost kind of, maybe, threatened them? Just a little though!" SeongHwa defended himself.

"Hyung, don't worry, you were just worried about me, they won't do anything. Nor will they try anything. At best, they will be glad that you were willing to do something like that despite status, because you were worried about me." SeongHwa nodded hesitantly. WooYoung tried to pull away from SeongHwa, who tightened his grip slightly and a whine left his lips.

"No," He pleaded. "Don't...I don't want..." The Omega tightly closed his eyes cursing his stupid emotions.

"Hyung, it is alright. None of them will hurt me. I swear. We have been sailing together for years. There is nothing for you to worry about. Hell, they infiltrated a Navy Royale ship just on the off chance they would be able to get me back." SeongHwa blinked at that, nodding slowly.

"Okay, but...." He cut his eyes to HongJoong, this time there was definitely a threat in them. "They can't make me leave." WooYoung just threw a smug look at the Captain at his words. "I won't leave you, and if they try they'll have to pry me from you. Even then, it won't...won't work." HongJoong lifted his hands in surrender.

"We are't going to try and take you from WooYoung. For one, I can't bear to do that, and for two, Woo-ah would have my head." SeongHwa seemed to sense the truth in that, and nodded, relaxing enough to let WooYoung go.

"Okay then." He said simply, dropping to a seated position on the floor.

"WooYoung, if you could go outside, YeoSang, you as well." The medic rolled his eyes, but left. 

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