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Seonghwa found himself overwhelmingly nervous. There was no real reason for it, he knew that, but...he was unbearably nervous. Yeosang had said that it may be likely that Hongjoong would give Wooyoung permission to allow him to meet San, WooYoung's...mate...after he had finished talking to WooYoung. SeongHwa...he was not sure what he should do. He cared for WooYoung, quite a bit, he understood how much San meant to the other man. He had spent a whole month going on and on about how wonderful of an Alpha that he was. Though SeongHwa was not going to merely take WooYoung's word for it. He would assess the man, very carefully at that. WooYoung may have been with these pirates for a long time, but he was also not going to allow them to hurt WooYoung, despite the fact that the other seems to be quite certain that it would not happen.

"Seonghwa-ssi, there is no reason to worry too much. San is a wonderful Alpha, and a great person." SeongHwa cut Yeosang a glare. He would not have anyone trying to coax him into liking San. He would see for himself what the other is like, and whether he was acceptable or not. He was not about to let any sort of judgments made by other humans to suppress his own judgement. He would see San, talk to the other, and carefully watch him. One wrong move and Seonghwa would not hesitate to fight. WooYoung...well, SeongHwa had seen many people who thought their Alpha's were nice just to realize the fact that they were horrible human beings. SeongHwa was not about to let WooYoung fall into that sort of trap. He would be damned before he allowed the Beta boy to go through something like that. WooYoung was someone that SeongHwa cherished, should anyone hurt him? SeongHwa would not hesitate to do far worse than anything he had ever done before. Although, then again, he was not exactly the most fearsome person. "Hey, what is it?"

Just great. SeongHwa thought to himself, wanting to roll his eyes, but managing to stop just in time. Now they've caught onto my bad mood. It isn't even really a bad mood, I guess I just...don't want to see WooYoungie hurt. SO many Alphas just like to toy around with Betas. The lesser match, or whatever. Just to settle for them, rather. As much as I would hate to see this San person just discard WooYoung, I would rather be able to help prevent things from going further if he is a bad mate. Not only that, what do these people know? Alphas can be horribly abusive to their mates. WooYoung doesn't deserve to settle for someone subpar. Someone that does not utterly cherish him for everything he is.
Given how adamant that he was that his crew would come get him...I suppose I have to hand it to WooYoungie, he does have the benefit in this situation. I did not really believe him when he said that his people would definitely come and find him. On that thread of a vein, I should have expected that WooYoung was talking about pirates when he said that. What sort of royal navy would suddenly crash another royal navy ship?

"SeongHwa-ssi?" His name jolted him out of his stupor. He blinked languidly at YeoSang who was standing next to him, looking horribly concerned. SeongHwa was not sure what to do about that, and just found himself smiling out of habit. He had not expected YeoSang to have moved so close, and he had not even noticed when he had, which was perhaps even more concerning than the fact that YeoSang had bothered to do that in the first place.

"S-Sorry," SeongHwa stated softly, his apology echoing around the small space. YeoSang looked confused, not understanding what he was apologizing for. The Doctor had only called his name, it was not as though SeongHwa had done some grave mistake. He had just wanted to ensure the other was alright. That was all. SeongHwa seemed to have developed a bad habit of mentally withdrawing into his thoughts. Though YeoSang supposed given who knows what happened on that stupid Navy ship...he did not want to even think about it.

"It is nothing, I was just worried. You kind of spaced out there for a moment." YeoSang said reassuringly. He figured it was best not to get upset and let these instances roll off his shoulder. He doubted SeongHwa even really meant to escape into his mind in the first place. "I just wanted to tell you that WooYoung and San are waiting outside, assuming you are okay with them coming in?"

"Wh...of course...naturally. WooYoung is allowed to come visit anytime,"

"He has San with him," YeoSang reminded SeongHwa who merely shrugged, dismissing the last part. WooYoung was WooYoung, it did not matter who he was with. Though SeongHwa may worry for WooYoung, and definitely would enjoy tormenting the Alpha should he ever hurt the Beta in any way whatsoever, but that did not mean that just because he may be unsure about San, he did not want to see WooYoung. It had already been so long and SeongHwa had been unnerved and endlessly anxious that something could have happened to him.

Illogical, considering all these crew mates claimed to be practically family, but then again SeongHwa was not one to take the word of others when it came down to safety. 

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