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YeoSang could tell that SeongHwa was clearly anxious, and horribly uncomfortable. He was tense all through the time that YeoSang was checking on his wounds, he did not say a single word, remaining silent and his head did not lift from the floor. He was horribly terrified, YeoSang could tell, but there was something else under that fear, and the constant looks at the door reminded YeoSang why the man was on the boat to begin with. WooYoung. He is horribly attached to WooYoung. It was obvious, had been obvious, and it was one of the reasons why YeoSang had thought that San would be more agitated and challenging of SeongHwa, but it had been the opposite. He had not even showed the tell-tale possessiveness common when others were too attached. YeoSang would have thought that the other would at least have that, considering he did not seem to be jealous of SeongHwa. Yet, even that was missing. He wondered why, but he would not push.

"HongJoong is not going to hurt WooYoung, you know," YeoSang stated gently, causing SeongHwa to tense greatly. So he was worried for Youngie. "I know that maybe we did not leave the best impression, but I can tell you HongJoong would never hurt WooYoung." YeoSang could not really read SeongHwa, which was both concerning and somewhat unnerving, he did not know what class that SeongHwa was, but he was wondering if it was possible that he just...was a neutral person, one who did not have a class. It was the only thing that he could figure. Yet, that did not seem right, because...If he was truly a person without any classification, he would not have felt HongJoong's anger to being challenged, and neither would he have been so affected by continuing to try and challenge an Alpha of HongJoong's caliber.

"I-I know," The words were so soft that YeoSang would have missed them if he had not been really paying attention. He blinked, not having expected that response, turning to look at the pretty man with medical tape in his hands he just stared at him questioningly.

"What do you mean?" He wondered, curious.

"I know, y-your captain won't hurt him. I-I could tell. Th-There wasn't any aggression in his body, or his scent, when he went to WooYoung, I did not really notice it at first, but I...Now that I am more clear headed, I managed to realize it." The man looked a bit ashamed of himself, he could not even bring himself to look at YeoSang as he spoke. It was, a bit heart breaking really. "I...I just get worried. So-So long now if one of us left we always returned in a p-poorer state then when we left the each other. I-I really can't help but worry. I-I did not m-mean any disrespect..."

"Woah," YeoSang moved forwards, standing before the man, placing a gentle hand on his shoulders. Other than a slight flinch, he did nothing, which did somewhat concern Yeosang, particularly since how obvious it was that he was rather sensitive when it came to physical contact. "There is no reason to be sorry." He reassured gently. "Besides, Captain does not always make the best first impressions, it is alright that you are worried for WooYoungie, I suspect Captain prefers that either way." YeoSang slowly removed his hands from his shoulders, and gently turned him to the side so that he could properly inspect the wounds that were on the side of his torso.

"Oh," SeongHwa silenced himself at that, feeling a bit daft. He had been so worried about everything, even after what Hongjoong had stated, but a part of him could not help but worry, yet...this person, this YeoSang, he did not seem to judge him for that, and that was something that he definitely would not disregard. He knew that it was clear YeoSang held some sway over the Captain, and though he was not entirely sure what it was that caused that sway to happen, he knew that it would be stupid to disrespect him. Particularly if he wished to stay on this boat.

He was not really sure if he wanted to stay with this crew, though, if he were honest with himself. He was certain, however, that he wanted to make sure that WooYoung was alright. He felt sort of, dare he say it, protective. It was stupid, and something he was certain could not hope to last, but he cared deeply for WooYoung. The boy had been so naive when he had been first brought down to the under layer of the boat. He was grateful that WooYoung was a Beta, but even he knew that sometimes...sometimes that really did not matter to some people. He had been worrying over WooYoung's well being and mental stability for a long while, or what felt it at least, he felt as though it was normal, to be protective.

Or maybe it was not, what did he know? It was not as though it mattered where he was from, at least not in the ways that it should, it made him useless, and he did not want to go back either way, so what did he have left? WooYoung had gotten him a chance to stay on this ship, and this...this Captain had agreed to allow it so what more could he do? It is not as though I have people clambering to have me back. He thought bitterly. May as well stay here, with this...crew of pirates. At least I can make sure that WooYoung is safe in the mean time. That will be helpful, that I will know he is okay.

SeongHwa had developed a familial bond with WooYoung, an almost paternal one. It was scary, because he did not know of such things happening, and he was not sure what it meant. He could not trust anything that he would have been told, and he had not dared to even bring it up, knowing it would likely be used against him to ensure his obedience by threatening Wooyoung, not as though they had not done that before. It scared him, but he was grateful, in some way. Otherwise, WooYoung probably would never have made it.

Despite having WooYoung on his side, and now apparently this YeoSang, he was scared. Scared of angering the Captain and being tossed overboard. He did not really know how things worked among captain ships. I think perhaps it would be best to avoid them as much as possible. This Captian, HongJoong, he is dangerous. I cannot allow myself to be swept up with him.

Though Seonghwa felt that perhaps that part was a bit too late in this part of the game. A part of Hongjoong drew him in, and it was dangerous and scary, and he did not know why, did not know if he wanted to know. 

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