Chapter 1: Introduction

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"I know what you're thinking"

Two figures were riding along the terrain on the back of a giant creature. A man was steering the creature, while a woman had her arms wrapped around his waist. The two passed through the land passing many stone statues shaped like people.

"Lone riders. A dystopian world. A land that's gone to waste. How did this world get so broken? Well, that all began 500 years ago."


An overview of the land showed multiple rivers that connected together that formed the shape of a dragon.

"Kumamdra. This is what we used to be."

The land was now filled with lush greenery, fresh water and lots of animals.

"When our land was whole, and we lived harmoniously alongside...dragons."

Multiple dragons arose into the sky.

"Magical creatures who brought us water and rain and peace. It was paradise."

Suddenly, a large purple cloud shaped creature rose up from the ground.

"But then, the Druun came. A mindless plague that spread like wildfire, multiplying as they consumed life and turned everyone they touch into stone."

The Druun started multiplying at a vast rate and hundreds of people were now stone statues.

"The dragons fought for us the best they could, but it wasn't enough."

The Druun consumed the dragons as well, turning them into stone.

"That's when the Mighty Sisudatu, the last dragon, concentrated all her magic into a gem and..."

A blue dragon rose into the air and created a glowing blue gem that cast a light over the land and erased all the Druun.

"Blasted the Druun away. Everyone that was turned to stone came back. Except the dragons."

A rain fell down upon all the stone statues and turned them back. Except for the dragons, who remained stone.

"All that was left of Sisu was her gem. It should have been this big inspirational moment, where humanity united over her sacrifice."

All the people of Kumandra came together and made a circle symbol with their hands.

"But instead, people being people, they all fought to possess the last remnant of dragon magic."

People then turned angry and were holding spears.

"Borders were drawn, Kumandra divided. We all became enemies, and the gem had to be hidden."

Kumandra was now divided into five different territories.

"But that's not how the world broke. That didn't truly happen until 500 years later, when (Y/n) and I came into the story."


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