Chapter 3: The Gathering

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Chief Benja and General (F/n) were walking down the hall of the palace when suddenly, Ray and (Y/n) rolled in front of them and started play fighting.

"Well someone's excited." Chief Benja commented.

"Well, yeah! I mean, anyone hoping to steal the Dragon Gem now has to face the fury of the four baddest blades in all the lands." Ray stated.

Chief Benja chuckled. "I'm glad you feel that way dewdrop, because I have something important to tell you. The other lands, they're on their way here, as we speak."

"They are?" (Y/n) asked, surprised.

"Yes moondrop, they are." General (F/n) said.

"Uh...okay. Okay, no, we can do this. We're ready. I know exactly how we'll stop them." Ray confidently spoke.

"Really? Tell me what you know about the other lands." Chief Benja said.

"First, Tail. A sweltering desert with sneaky mercenaries, who fight dirty. Second, Talon. A floating market for fast deals and fighters with even faster hands. Third, Spine. A frigid bamboo forest guarded by exceptionally large warriors, and their giant axes. Fourth, Fang. Our fiercest enemy. A nation protected by angry assassins, and their even angrier cats."

Tuk Tuk hissed, imitating a cat, and crawled onto Ray's shoulder, as they entered the kitchen.

"Okay, so we're gonna need some crossbows and catapults and...Ooh! What about flaming catapults?" Ray asked.

"Or, how about shrimp paste from Tail, lemongrass from Talon, bamboo shoots from Spine, chilis from Fang and palm sugar from Heart?" General (F/n) asked, pouring ingredients into a soup.

"We'll poison them?" Ray questioned, and
(Y/n) nudged his arm.

"No, we're not going to poison them and we're not going to fight them. We're going to share a meal with them." Chief Benja explained.

He poured some soup into two bowls and hands them to the kids.

"Wait what?" (Y/n) asked, confused.

"I invited them."

"But they're our enemies." Ray said, in disbelief.

"They're only our enemies because they think the Dragon Gem magically brings us prosperity."  Chief Benja explained, pouring (F/n) and himself bowls.

"That's ridiculous. It doesn't do that." (Y/n) said incredulously.

"They assume it does, just like we assume things about them." General (F/n) said, as they all sat down.

"Ray, (Y/n), there's a reason why each land is named after a part of the dragon. We were once unified. Harmoniously as one. Kumandra."

"That's ancient history Ba." Ray said.

"But it doesn't have to be. Listen, if we don't stop and learn to trust one another again, it's only a matter of time before we tear each other apart. This isn't the world we want you two to live in. I believe we can be Kumandra again. But someone has to take the first step. Trust us." Chief Benja asked.

"What do you think (Y/n)?" Her father asked.

"I think it would be wonderful to become Kumandra again. Maybe even bring the dragons back." She replied.

"You're not worried about the clans trying to steal the gem?" Ray asked her.

"Why would I be worried? I have you." She lightly punched his arm, and went back to eating.

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