Chapter 2: The Test

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Two kids were seen preparing for something. One boy with black hair pulled on some finger less gloves and grabbed two fighting sticks from a cabinet and stuck them into his waist band. This was Ray. Ray looked to the girl next to him who had (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes and (s/c) skin. This was (Y/n). She grabbed two daggers from the weapons closet and fastened them to her thighs. The two then tied masks around their faces to cover their mouths and noses.

The two ran down the hall when they suddenly stopped at a dresser. Ray noticed a hair ring and used it to hold his hair up, while the girl noticed two dragon rings. She put one on each of her ring fingers.

The two looked at each other and nodded in determination. They leapt out of an open window into the pouring rain and landed on another roof. They made their way off the roof and onto the cobblestone path that led to a building up in the mountains.


The two kids entered a dimly lit hallway and quietly crept through it. Ray ran his hand along the wall when he suddenly stopped. He held out his arm to stop (Y/n). He noticed that one part of the wall was different from another and it made him suspicious.

He pulled down his mask and looked along the walls. He saw that there was indentations imbedded into the stone. He knelt down on the ground and felt the floor until he found one that moved. It sank and a net came rushing down. Ray grabbed (Y/n) and moved out of the way just in time.

"Huh. Looks like someone's trying to be clever." Ray noticed.

He pulled out a small ball and tapped it. It unraveled to reveal a small furry armadillo like creature.

"Alright Tuk Tuk, let's show 'em what clever really looks like." Ray said.

Tuk Tuk rolled along the floor triggering the nets, but he was too small to be caught by them. He paused for a moment and got distracted by a bug.

"Tuk Tuk! Come on! Focus!" Ray whispered. "You don't want to look bad in front of (Y/n) do you?"

Tuk Tuk immediately forgot about the bug and kept rolling. He reached the end of the hall where a door was and squeaked.

Ray and (Y/n) crawled underneath all the triggered nets and made their way to Tuk Tuk.

"Hey, bud that was awesome. Give me some shell." Ray said.

Tuk Tuk went to high five him but missed and fell over.

(Y/n) giggled and picked him back up. "Thanks Tuk Tuk. You're my hero." (Y/n) joked and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Tuk Tuk squeaked happily and Ray and (Y/n) stood up and faces the door.

"Hey, what about me? I figured out the nets." Ray whined.

"Okay, you're my hero too." She replied and kissed his cheek too.

Ray blushed heavily and had a dazed look on his face.

"Hey, Ray, look at this." (Y/n) said, bringing him out of his daze.

She ran her hand over the little holes that were embedded into the door. Ray took out his sticks and put them in and used them to turn the door and open it.

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