Chapter 6: Tail Gem

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"Okay, here's the sitch. After the gem broke, each piece was taken by one of the chiefs of the five lands, Fang, Heart, Spine, Talon, and Tail. Where we are now." Ray explained, as they made their way to the entrance of the Tail base.

"Wow. So many questions. First one, why am I wearing this?" Sisu asked, gesturing to her hat and cape.

"Well, we don't want to attract attention." Ray said.

"Oh, you definitely chose the right hat for that." Sisu said.

"Plus you look great in it." (Y/n) complimented.

"Oh, thank you!" Sisu blushed and leaned down to Ray. "Your girlfriend is very nice."

"Oh...she's not my girlfriend." Ray told her.

"Oh! ...Do you want her to be?" She asked.

"I-I...uh...well, I's Um...I wouldn't say I...uh..." Ray stammered.

"Hey guys, come on, what's the hold up?" (Y/n) called over to them from the entrance.

"N-Nothing! We're coming." Ray quickly said.

Sisu started walking through the entrance. "So what makes you think the Tail Chiefs here?"

Sisu wasn't looking where she was going and accidentally triggered a trap. A column almost crushed Sisu and (Y/n) if Ray hadn't pushed them out of the way.

"Because, this place didn't booby trap itself." (Y/n) said.

Ray helped (Y/n) up. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks to you." (Y/n) said, kissing his cheek in thanks.

Ray smiled dreamily and they all turned to see a maze of ropes.

"This doesn't make  sense. None of this would stop a Druun." Sisu commented.

"It's not to stop Druun. It's to stop people." Ray told her.

Ray and (Y/n) carefully made their way around the ropes, and motioned to Sisu to do the same. Sisu effortlessly made her way through the ropes and Ray and (Y/n) stared at her in awe.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Sisu asked.

"Nothing. We're just not used to seeing dragons." Ray explained.

"Impressed huh? Wait until you see my backstroke. I'm wicked when I hit that liquid. I got water skills that kill. I slaughter when I hit the water. I'm, like, really really good at swimming, through rhyme. I was trying to make that...that I'm really good at swim...I'm a good swimmer, is basically what I'm..." Sisu ranted.

"Okay, um, we need to keep going." Ray said, grabbing (Y/n)'s hand and pulling her along.

As they made their way through the fortress, Sisu suddenly gasped. "Oh no!"

Ray and (Y/n) pulled out their swords.

"What? What is it?"

"What's wrong?"

"We forgot to bring a gift for the Tail Chief." Sisu told them.

"I'm sorry. A gift?"

"Yeah. A gift says, 'You can trust me, can I trust you?'"

Suddenly, a bug landed on Sisu's snout. She picked it up and held it in her hand.

"Aw. Hey there, little fella. This beetle's got a booty." Sisu laughed.

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