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"Nerd, up and out! I'm leaving for school early with Alex. Come on. Mom's gotta work and Aunt Helen wants us to be there on time." Alex heard Tyler yell at Kyle to get up. It was the day of the Mock Trial for school and you could say Tyler and Alex were excited. Kyle got in the shower and the two left house without him.


"Hey! Alex!" Helen called Alex over.

"Have you heard from Kyle?" Helen questioned as she checked her watch as they were loading up the bus and she hadn't seen Kyle.

"No, I haven't seen him since I left the house earlier than normal."

"Hey guys," Ty greeted his coach and aunt as he approached the bus. "Hey, babe." He said as he gave her a quick kiss and Alex had noticed CeCe giving her a strange look from where she stood and Alex didn't know why.

"I'm getting worried about Kyle," Alex spoke up, trying to ignore CeCe's look. "He should have been here by now."

"Call Kyle and get back to me, Ty," Coach Cal ordered his Tyler and he nodded his head and walked off and after a few minutes, Tyler came back over.

"Any word from Kyle yet?" Alex asked Tyler who shook his head no.

"His phone's either off or dead. It's going straight to voicemail," Ty confessed.

"This isn't like him," Aunt Helen stated worried as she pulled out her phone.

"He was in the shower when Alex and I left. I thought he was right behind us." Tyler stated with concernment lacing his voice.

"I'm sure he's okay, Ty. He wasn't feeling good yesterday remember," Alex pointed out, trying to make him feel better.

"Agreed, don't worry, Ty. He is probably right behind you. And we have a schedule to keep," Coach Cal muttered with a sigh.

"He always gets a little mopey after a show, you know how Kyle is, I'm sure he'll show up sooner than you know it." Alex pointed out.

"Yeah, but he's really down this time," Ty countered with a worried tone. "I guess it's harder when you've been the star." Ty said before he entered the bus while Alex waited outside for Annie to show up so she could sit next to her on the bus. She hadn't really had time to talk to Annie since the whole kiss incident and she wanted to talk her. Annie came scrolling out of the school.

"Hey, Annie. I was hoping we could sit together and talk about everything?" Alex asked and Annie smiled and nodded. They then walk onto the bus and Alex ignored the look she was getting from CeCe as they moved to the back part of the bus.

"Look Annie, I know that you guys kissed and everything and I want us to be friends again but I need to know. Do you like Ty?" Alec asked Annie.

"Honestly?" Annie asked and Alex nodded. "I did. I used to like Ty but I don't anymore. You need to know that I would never purposely do anything to ruin what you guys have and whatever I felt for Ty, those feelings are long gone you need to know that."

"That means a lot. Friends?" Alex asked hopefully.

"Best friends." Annie said before they hugged and laughed together.


"Bulldogs on trial!" Gabe barked as they exited the bus together.

"Gabe!" Helen scolded the boy, "I don't think that's what you're meant to say. Get in there. Annie, Alex, let me talk to you guys for second." The two girls walked over to Helen.

"Yeah?" The two girls questioned her with curious looks on their faces.

"Girls, we still can't find Kyle." Helen said as the two girls were shocked.

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