Secret Stalkers

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"I can't wait! Just hurry up and go for it."

     "Go for what?"

     Henry and Mike jumped ten feet in the air at the sound of your voice, and you leaned against the doorframe with your eyes narrowed. You'd returned from your shift to find the two deep in conversation, and some of the things they said caused curiosity to stir inside of you.

     "Oh, uh, nothing," Mike replied, shoving something into his pocket and rising to his feet.

     "We've just been talking about, stuff," Henry added.

     You fixed the two with a death stare. "You have ten seconds to tell me what's going on."

     They fumbled over their words before Henry leaped to his feet. "Well, would you look at the time! I have to pick Charlie up from school."

     "Hey! Don't you dare go anywhere!" you tried to grab him as he ran past, but your leg gave out and he managed to run through the door in time.

     "Sorry (Y/n)!" Henry called as he ran to his car, "I'll see you later!"

     "Don't leave me hanging!" Mike cried as Henry pulled out the drive, yelling apologies as he went. You turned to Mike and he froze in place. You took threatening steps towards him, stopping inches away as you glared up at him.

     "Mike, honey," you cooed, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. A little too tightly. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?"

     His face paled and he pushed gently at your waist, trying to dislodge your arms, but you refused to move. "Doll, I gotta go to work," he pleaded.

     You shoved him against the wall, your hands positioned on either side of his head. You looked up at him with a firm expression, smirking as he let out an involuntary shiver.

     You reached up to place a kiss on the edge of his lips. "I'm not letting you go to work until you tell me what's going on, Schmidt," you whispered against his skin. His hands gripped your waist and he leaned down to kiss you but you pulled your head back. "Uh, uh, uh," you tutted. "What's going on."

     Mike let out a groan. "Nothing Boss, I swear. Now I really need to get to work. Fritz will be waiting for me." He tried to push you away but you smashed your lips into his, keeping him pinned to the wall. He tried to pry you away, but you could feel his resolve failing, and you found yourself smirking as he kissed you back feverishly. One hand twisted in your hair as he pulled your head closer, the other gripping at the bottom of your shirt.

     "What's. Going. On," you mumbled between kisses.

     Mike let out a groan, refusing to answer as he pulled your head closer. You removed one hand from the wall, stroking Mike's face before quickly stuffing it in his pocket, trying to find what he had hidden there earlier. You felt something against your fingers, a box of some sort.

     Mike's eyes widened and he grabbed your hand. With a burst of strength, he pushed you back onto the couch. "Not so fast Boss," he smirked.

     You glared at him, letting out a growl as you struggled in his grip. He leaned down to plant a kiss on your lips before pulling away. "Sorry but, I've got work." He let go of your arms and ran for the door before you had time to grab him.

     "Gosh dangit, Schmidt!" you yelled in frustration. You heard the sound of his car starting, and you threw a pillow in frustration as he pulled out the drive.

     Why was everyone hiding stuff from you? It's like there was some big secret that everyone was allowed to know about but you. It ticked you off. You stormed out to your car, beginning to drive. You needed to go somewhere to cool off and get your thoughts together.

     You pulled up to the cemetery, pink splashed across the sky as the sun began to set. You hopped out of your car and began to wander. Reading the names on each gravestone as you passed, wondering what it was that led for them to be there.

     You stopped at a new, pristine gravestone. The grave only freshly covered.

     "Hey, Pete," you mumbled, "I picked this up on the way. Your mum wanted you to have it. Said you always asked for it." You placed a brand new baseball cap beside the gravestone, running your fingers over the dirt. Pete always wore a backward baseball cap. You don't remember a time seeing him without one.

     You'd connected with his parents after his death, apparently, Pete had talked about you a lot, almost as if you were his older sister. They said he had really trusted you, more than he'd ever trusted anyone before. That had made your heartache. You hadn't even known him for that long yet you had felt a connection. A desire to keep him safe. Yet you failed. You failed him.

     "Oh, Pete," you mumbled, resting your head against the cool stone. "You didn't deserve this." You stayed with Pete for a while before deciding to move on. Darkness was beginning to set in as you bid Pete goodbye and continued on down the path.

     You soon stopped at a much older grave, the name, 'Jay,' etched into the stone. "Hey, big bro," you said. A gust of cold wind made you shiver. "Things have been getting weird. And everyone's keeping secrets from me, it's getting quite frustrating." You let out a sour laugh. "I just don't understand why they have to hide it from me. Do they not trust me?" You gazed at the grave sadly. "You always knew just what to say to make me feel better. I'd give anything to have you here again." You shuddered, suddenly looking around nervously.

     It felt as if someone were watching you. Hiding amongst the trees. You pulled your hood over your head, glancing into the darkness around you.

     There. A shuffle. You heard a shuffle.

     Your body tensed, and you began to creep towards the sound. "Holy!" you cried as a figure leaped out of the bushes, taking off down the path. "Hey!" you cried, running after them. "Get back here!"

     Your leg buckled and you found yourself tumbling to the ground. You let out a groan, looking up to see the figure was gone. "Ugh," you grumbled, smacking your fist into the ground, "Stupid leg!"

     A gust of wind blew, and something drifted to the ground in front of you.

     A single strand, of dark violet hair. 

To Seek Answers (Mike Schmidt X Reader: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now