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You paced nervously along the hospital hallway and Mike sat fidgeting in his seat. Being there brought a lot of bad memories for both of you.

     "He'll be ok," Mike mumbled. Although he was more trying to reassure himself. "Oh frick I can't do this," he groaned, his head falling into his hands.

     You stopped your pacing and limped over to him, sitting down on the sticky plastic seat beside him. You wrapped one arm around him and kissed his cheek. "Of course, he'll be ok," you told him. But honestly, you weren't so sure. It was too much like what happened with Michael.

     Mike placed his hand on your leg, giving it a gentle squeeze. You hissed slightly in pain and he looked at you worriedly.

     "Shoot, your knee. I'm so sorry, how is it?"


     Mike frowned. "You should get it checked out while we're here."

     "Nah," you replied with a shake of your head, "The incisions aren't too deep. It'll heal on its own."

     Mike reluctantly agreed, and you rested your head on his shoulder. Despite the circumstances, it felt good to be back in his arms. You'd missed him. So much.

     Your head flew up at the sound of approaching footsteps, and a doctor was suddenly standing in front of you. He held a clipboard in his hands, and his expression was solemn. "Are you here for Jeremy Fitzgerald?"

     "Yes, how is he?" You asked. You leaned forward slightly in your seat, Mike grabbing a hold of your hand and gripping it tightly.

     The doctor looked down, tapping his pen against his clipboard nervously. Your heart dropped.

     "Mr Fitzgerald," the doctor began, his voice quiet.

     You slumped back in your seat, staring blankly ahead of you. He couldn't be dead. Not Jeremy.

     "Mr Fitzgerald is awake and well. I don't know how he survived, but somehow, he made it. His missing part of his frontal lobe, so he's a bit jumpy and tends to laugh at random times. But other than that, he's ok and ready to see visitors."

     Your jaw dropped and Mike let out a relieved laugh. "Oh thank goodness," he beamed, dragging his hands down his face.

     "So we can go see him now?" you queried. The doctor nodded and you leapt to your feet in joy. "Come on Mike," you cried, tugging joyfully on his hands. Together the two of you hurried to Jeremy's room, bursting in with large smiles.

     Jeremy jumped when you entered, his eyes wide as he scanned the room in a panic. "Hey, Jere," Mike grinned crouching down next to his bed. Jeremy seemed to calm down hearing his voice, and he turned to send Mike a weak smile.


     A bandage was covering his head, tinted slightly red. His hands shook slightly and you reach over to take one into your own. He sent you a grateful look, before looking between you and Mike with a confused expression. "Did you c-come here together?" he stuttered.

     You and Mike shared a look, your smiles only widening. "Actually," Mike began, rising to his feet. He wrapped an arm around your waist. "We got back together."

     Jeremy's eyes widened, and let out a small squeal. "Finally!" he cried, "I was w-waiting for it!" He let out a strange laugh, twitching slightly before seeming to regain his bearings. He looked at you sheepishly. "S-sorry."

     You squeezed his hand. "Don't worry about it." Your smile suddenly faltered, and your gaze fell to the ground. "I'm sorry," you whispered, "For snapping at you. You were right, I was pushing everyone away. Pushing them away when I needed them most. You were only looking out for me, and I had no right to treat you the way I did. And still, even after I snapped at you, you still jumped in to protect me. Why?"

To Seek Answers (Mike Schmidt X Reader: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now