CP_ 2🍼

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Tae p.o.v
I woke up and I felt my head dizzy . I tried to get up but couldn't and I saw I was wearing onesies. Suddenly I start to panic and want to cry but why?? i'am not a baby?!?! I can't hold it and started to cried in a loud voice. I heard a footsteps come closer to this room.

Jungkook p.o.v
I heard tae cry looked at the clock and saw 2 a.m., l slowly getting out of bed so that jimin is not awake. When I got there i saw his cry and his cheeks started to turn red. I started lifting him and trying to calm him down.

"Sush...sush... it's ok baby you're safe right now and no one will hurt you again..i promise with you "I just heard sobs from him.I went downstairs and started heating the milk to give him a drink.

After the milk was ready I took the milk to the living room and sat on the couch. I put the nipple of the bottle in him mouth and he started sucking. After a few minutes he started sleeping on my chest. I pulled out the bottle and patted him on the back so he burped.I started to take him to the room and put him in the crib and kiss him forehead."goodnight babyboy..."

7:00 a.m
Jimin started to get up and headed to the bathroom. After a few minutes he started to go out and put on his clothes before waking him up.
"Yahh jungkook get up now and go take a shower I will prepare breakfast at downstairs , okey??"
"Emm...I will wake up but I want to take a nap in five minutes okey ?? chim ... please "beg jungkook.

"No! Get up now and go get our baby ready. I'll wait downstairs "
"Okay ² "Jungkook started to get up and went to take a shower. After a while he started coming out of the bathroom and getting dressed.He started heading to Taehyung's room.

Tae p.o.v
I started to wake up and I think I can move ... yeayy. suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps and started to pretend to sleep.

"Heyy ,, baby how's your nap??"ask jungkook.Is he blind I'm not a baby and I'm a teenager.Jungkook started walking towards the crib. I'm starting to panic what he's going to do to me maybe sell organs or -"Baby I know you're awake and it's not good when people ask and you don't answer it"said kook.

He started lifting me and I started to panic.I struggled and asked him to let me go. I started pounding his chest and kicking he has a body. "Hey tae!!That's not good when you hit and kick your daddy ,do you want to be spanked it this morning?? Ask kook with sternly voice.

"Who are you and you're not my daddy " i shouted at him."AND PLEASE LET ME GO!!!!"
"Wow baby you're really asking for spanked right?? I just want you to know that i love you but i had to because you were so rude to daddy "

Kook took tae and started taking off his pants and diapers.Tae started yelling at his daddy. "Okay tae,,be a good boy and start to count..ok baby it's only 20.."

"Count baby boy not yelling at me!! "kook starts to raise his voice and tae starts to get scared and count




E-eighteen ...p-please stop it's really h-hurt..
He bagan to cry .
"Baby it's only two spanked left and  you're done."
"No it's r-really hurt right now p-please stop"
"It's ok baby you don't need to count this .."


"Ok done baby.. Now let daddy take you bathe and we eat breakfast together .."


"Ohh baby...Let's eat breakfast after breakfast you can drink milk..ok baby ?? "Said jimin
But taehyung just kept quiet and hugged jungkook more tightly he hid his face in jungkook's neck.

"Hey baby what's wrong?? it's your papa you should say hi to him.."
"Emmm..i don't want..i want to sleep "
"No you just wokeup earlier..." "Mmm"

Spaghetti and bread for their breakfast. Their put yae on high chair and tae start yelling. "WHY I'AM SEAT AT HERE..THIS CHAIR IS NOT FOR ME..LET ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!! ". "Hey...tae do you want it again ..?"jungkook ask with sternly voice." N-no s-sorry "

"Sorry to who baby?"kook ask and hope tae call him daddy but- "sorry hyung.." and yes no daddy yet Jungkook said in a rather sad voice
"Hey kook it's ok maybe we can try next time..right??" "Emm yes..you're right chim..mayne next time." Jimin feed him spaghetti
After done jungkook take a milk and start to feed his baby.

"Hyung w-why i-i need to drink milk in bottle can you just put it in cup??"tae asked in a trembling voice.
"No cup babby..just drink it okay or you will get-"
"O-ok dadd-hyung i will drink it" ohh i'am almost call him DADDY...arghh tae speaks in his heart.
After done tae ask him to take a nap for a while and jungkook said yes to him. Jungkook pick up him to the little room and let's him sleep for a while. Maybe he's really tired??

For sure he tired after cried right???

                         To be continued                               

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