CP_ 20🍼

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dinner time

"tae let's eat.. you haven't been able to eat since last night... let's eat tae.." implored jimin while knocking on the door of taehyung's room.

taehyung feels guilty for his mother's death because he thinks he is the reason why his mother died.


when it's morning when taehyung is the first person to wake up because his face is exposed to sunlight.
"ahh..what time is it now?" Tae whispered and tried to look at the clock on the wall.
"9 o'clock?"
tae tried to get up but jimin still hugged his waist tightly.
"Aish hyung!" Tae whispered while moving Jimin's hand
"hmmm." jimin turned to the side and tae started to get up then went to his room and locked the door. from that day he did not leave the room and only heard the sound of crying.

end of flashback

"hyung..plz leave me..stop bothering me plz hyung I'm begging..ju-just go, leave me!! i dont wanna eat anything!!" Tae shouted to Jimin while sobbing.

"al-alright baby b-but plz tell me if you need anything ok? baby?"


"YAA JEON TAEHYUNG!! DON'T YOU REALIZE WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO RIGHT NOW?!..TAEHYUNG DID U LISTEN TO ME!!" answered jk who heard the conversation between his wife and tae when he wanted to go to his room to get something

"GO!!! JUST GO!" replied Tae while throwing a vase of flowers towards the door.

"kook..it's okay..no need to be angry with him,, his mental and physical condition is bad now so plz control your anger ..no need to be angry with him. Okay"

"shuuu ..you don't have to say anything now.. let's eat before the food gets cold"

"but before I eat.." jk kissed jm and jm just moaned. after they kissed in front of tae's room they moved to the dining table and ate dinner

in tae's room

"AHHHH" tae threw everything in front of his eyes. pillows, blankets, books, etc. after a few minutes he was tired and sat on the edge of the bed ..crying. the situation in the room was messy and only the sound of crying could be heard.

tae pov

It's my fault that she died?? no right! I didn't do anything to her but why do I feel guilty for her death. I didn't kill her but she died because of stress... thinking of me! I am such a bad son, such a bad son..what should I do now mom? ..god plz help me i don't know what to do anymore. my life is ruined and destroyed.
It's really fucked up .. now I have to live with a stranger tch..mom why did you go and leave me..you should take me for once. you know I can't hate you, mom even if I try but still can't..i luv u mom.. and finally he passed out

at the dining table

''After we eat,let's bring some food for tae, ok?"

after they finished eating jk brought the food and a spare key to open the door.


"kook give me the key" jk gave jimin the key and opened the door

"kook how can it be so messy?" jimin was surprised to see the state of the room when the light was turned on

"chim be careful there is glass. you bring this food, let me get the broom"

"umm" jm took the food and not long after that jk came with a broom and swept the glass that was in front of the door earlier.

"Where's tae? I didn't even hear his crying?"

"Maybe he's in the toilet?"


"ok ready let's bring the food"

"tae...baby? papa brought this food let's eat" jm put the food on the study table



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