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"So how he is?"
"He's in good condition and he can go back now"
"Really!!..thank you so much doc"
"My pleasure"

In jimin ward
Jungkook open the door with a bar of chocolate in his hand.
"Jungkook!! Where are you going!.. I'm really bored right now..''jimin poured
"I just bought you a chocolate and have you done packing your things?"
"Yeah I'm done and thank you for the chocolate..i really love it!!"
"Yeah i know that you really² love chocolate.. that's why i bought it"
"Thank's kook for bought it and take care of me but..i-i still miss tae..a-and i hope he will be back to us" jimin beggan to cry but jungkook hug him tightly.
"It's ok we can find him tomorrow"
"C-can we find him right now?"
"No chim~ you need a rest today and i will take care of everything.."
"Jimin .. no you can't although you call me baby"
"Hmmm..alright but promise with me that we will find him tomorrow..and don't give me an excuses"
"Alright ²..now let's go home and take a fresh bath and let's sleep while cuddle.."

While in the car jimin fell asleep and a small snore made jungkook laugh a little while looking at jimin.

"Chim...you can woke up now..we have arrived at home"
"Mmm.. just let me sleep a little.."
"Okay..i will lift you in house .."

Jungkook took jimin and take him like a bridal style and go into their share room.

"I will give you sleep in 1 hours while i will make a food at downstairs and you will wokeup and take a bath.. alright?"
"Emm..i will"

Jungkook go to downstairs and straight to the kitchen. He make a ramen and serve it on dinning table. He go to his room and woke up jimin.


"Okay chim.. let's take a bath" suddenly jungkook heard jimin whisper while cry.
"No..n-no you can't do that to him.. he's a nice and a good person.. y-you.. y-you"
"Hey~hey~jimin..open your eyes..you just have a nightmare.."
Jimin beggan to open his his and hug jungkook tighly.
"Let's find tae..he..he- his mom-"
"Jimin that was just a nightmare.. I'm sure that nothing happened to tae.."
"No.. I'm sure there must be something happened to tae!..i-i can't wait for tomorrow.. let's find him right now!"
"No it's already in night..and we can't find tae in this dark at outside"
"H-he-- mu-must--"
"Sush..sush.. it's ok.. nothing happens and relax yourself..think positive.. everything gonna be fine"
"Y-yeah your right..just think positive.."jimin smiled weakly
"Alright.. let's me help you take a bath then we eat after that we can watch a movie before we sleep"
"Mmm.. alright.. jungkook,,i love you so much"
"Oww i love you too"

They kiss for awhile and go to bathroom. After that they go to dining table and eat their ramen. They were laughing and feed each other. Then they clean up the table and go to their room to watch movie and cuddle then sleeping peacefully until morning.

7:00 am
"Ouch!!my ears!" Jungkook woke up after hear the alarm ringing loudly an close it. Then he turn around and see jimin still sleep, jungkook smile.
"How can someone be so cute and handsome in one time while sleeping?"jungkook whisper to jimin and kiss his forehead.
"I don't know..maybe just you can see it" jimin giggles and blushing.
"Ohh you're awake..and blushing?? but i just kiss your forehead not lips" jungkook chuckle and pinch jimin's cheeks.
"I-i just.. let's get ready"jimin said and go to bathroom.
"Why?? it's too early"jungkook pouted
"You don't remember?!?"
"Yes² I'm remember..for sure i will remember it"
"Alright..i thought you forgot about it"

Jimin get ready and jungkook made a pasta at kitchen. After jimin done he wait for jungkook to eat together before they go find tae today.

They eat pasta for a while and clean the table together.

"Alright.. let's go chim"
"Let's go"

Jungkook took a car keys and start the engine while jimin look the door house before they go out. After done jimin get in car and jungkook start driving to find their tae.

To be continued......
(735 words)

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