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*not edited*

Jungkook pov
I start getting up and trying to find my boyfriend but i didn't see him. I turned my head to the side and saw he was sleeping peacefully. I started stroking his hair slowly and he began to raise his head and look at me worriedly.

"Oh! Jungkookshi! Do you need anything?"
"No..i don't need anything..but maybe..some water"
"Ah alright"

Jimin pours water into a glass and give it to jungkook. Jungkook took it and started drinking the water slowly. After he finished drinking he returned the glass to jimin back.

"Anything else?"
"No it's ok"
"So how do you feel right now?"
"Fine but i iust don't like this"
He pointed at the IV needle that connects to his hand.
"It's ok..it just for a while" jimin chuckled at jungkook's behavior.
"Jimina ..you don't sleep?"
"Why? my face look bad?"
"Yes..you have black under your eyes"
"Yeah..i don't sleep yesterday beca-"
"What! Jimina you should sleep .. it's not good for your health!"
"Yeah I know"
"So let's sleep right now"
"No..you just wokeup"
"It's ok ..i will sleep with you"
"Why you didn't sleep?"
"Because me and tae had a little talk yesterday and we didn't realize it was almost 8 am"
"Yeah .."
"What did you guys talk about?'
"It's just about....his mom...us"
"I will explain everything to you later after you discharge"
"Jungkook if you don't have anything needed can i go to tae?'
"Yes you can but chim.. please sleep you look very tired and pale"
"No.. it's ok I'm really fine.. you don't need to worry"
"But chim..you didn't get sleep yesterday! I'm sure your really tired right now..just stay with me and sleep at here..i will accompany you"
"Kook.. I'm really really alright..you should rest not me.."
"Alright if you said like that..but make sure you sleep at tae's ward"
"Emm i will.. maybe"
"No maybe but must!"
"Yeah.. alright.."

Jimin started walking towards the door and opened it.


Jimin heard jungkook calling his name and he turned his body towards jungkook.

"Why?! Are you sick?should i call doctor?,"

"Nothing.." jungkook give jimin his bunny smile

"Really?! scared me you know!"



Jimin start walking towards the door again and he stops when he hears jungkook calling his name back.

"Jungkookshi!!! What are you doing?!"



"I love youuu~~~"


"You don't love me??" Jungkook's eyes start to water and started to cry

"Yaa! What question are you asking! For sure i love you!.. don't cry!"

"Ok! I love you more.." jungkook smile and giggled

"Bye kook~"

"Bye chimm~"

Jimin left jungkook ward and went to tae ward. But before he goes there he has to visit someone first.


"So what about her condition?"
"Everything is fine and she's starting to get well but slowly and she has to stay here about 4 or 6 days or maybe a week. We look at her health"
"Oh ok..can i see her?"
"Sure you can"
"Thank you"

"Hello.. who are you? I never see you before or i have.. I'm not sure.. I'm sorry"
"It's ok..we never met before and i came here to visit you"
"Thanks and your name?"
"My name is Park Jimin and i your son best friend"
"Really!.. taehyung never tell me that he has a friend..By the way i'm Kim Sujin"
"Can i ask you?"
"For sure Mrs Kim"
"No need to call me mrs just call me mom"
"Yes..you can call me mom because your my son friend so for sure you can. I just happy that he has friends"
"Taehyung never has friends before?"
"I don't know but when i ask him he will say that he don't want any friends because they all just fake" sujin chuckled
"So you're first friend for him" she smile and jimin feel guilty .

'What should i do..she just really nice to me and i feel really guilty towards her. What should I do. I want taehyung live with me and jungkook but his mom...i don't know what to do right now'

"Jimin? Are you ok? You look pale"
"Ah..yes I'm ok.. I'm just tired.."
"So you should rest..and you look like you didn't get enough sleep"
"You can sleep at there" she point at sofa
"No it's ok..i just want to visit you"
"Ooww you're really a nice boy" she rubbed jimin's hair and cheeks
"Mr-i mean m-mom can i ask you a little ?"
"For sure son"
"You don't remember anything?"
"Remember what..it there's anything that should i remember?"
"N-no..but you remember about your husband dead?"
"Y-yeah i remember"
"So..you remember where you want to went that day?"
"No..i just remembered that we got an accident and my husband gone..i and tae got injured but not to bad"
"Oh..so after that you didn't remember anything?"

She just nonned and cry

"I'm sorry if i make you cry"
"It's ok it's not your fault.."
"But where's taehyung? I didn't see him"
"Ah..he actually at here"
"Here? What fo you mean i don't understand because i didn't see him right now"
"He at ward"
"Why!? What happened to him?!"
"Nothing serious he just- just fall from stairs"
"So he's condition?"
"He's ok..he can back tomorrow"
"But i can't.. right"
"Yeah..its ok i will take care of him"
"But i don't trust anyone to take my baby"
"It's ok you can trust me ..."
"Oh ok..but make sure you give me an address "
"Alright..mom i want to eat at cafe so do you want anything?"
"No it's ok I'm still full.. thanks"

Jimin walk out from ward and go to cafe for breakfast cause he didn't eat after he got his last meal with his boyfriend.

To Be Continued........
(1000 words)

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