Part 4~Naoki

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Stepping out of his room, Izuku walked down the corridor. Toga was waiting for him at the bar, a grin on her face as she talked to Kurogiri. “What time is it?” Izuku ran a hand through his hair as he collapsed down.

“Too late for you to be complaining,” Kurogiri announced as Toga took Izuku’s arm.

“What are you doing?” Naoki walked out, a confused expression on his face.

“Nothing,” Izuku growled, lifting his head to face the newest recruit. “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”

Naoki was barely wearing anything. Some shorts were it. He had a jacket wrapped around his waist but made little effort to put it on. Naoki laughed, holding his hands behind his head. “It’s good for my Quirk. If we get attacked I want to be in the best position to fight back.”

“Weirdo.” Rolling to the side, Izuku reached out to grab his food when the door the furthest down opened.

“Alright, you little shits, who stole my pho-” Dabi stormed down the corridor, freezing halfway before running back and slamming his door closed.

“What just happened?” Turning to Toga, Izuku watched her squeal and jump up.

“I knew it! Our Dabi is gay!”

Naoki blinked, looking back to the door before it finally clicked in his head and he freaked out.

“Well, this has been entertaining, but alas, I have teachers to spy on.” Waving goodbye, Izuku hopped through Kurogiri’s portal.


Slugging through the door, Aizawa faced his class, telling them off for being idiots. “Suzuki, stop burning school property.”

Suppressing the snicker, Izuku nodded. Like that was going to happen.

Aizawa paused, gaining the students' attention as he told them their task for the day. Choosing a student rep.

In a second the room was full of shouting kids trying to one-up each other and fight for the position. Izuku rolled his eyes, lowering his head into his arms and closing his eyes. Iida suggested they vote for who they thought should be the student rep, putting Izuku full out on the spot. He didn’t know these people past their short interactions.

Pausing, Izuku wondered if the students would interact with the teachers or more specifically, the fake hero. He could make their lives worse. Grinning, Izuku thought of the worst person to fulfil the position and annoy the teachers.

Only one came to mind. The idiot. Kaminari. Placing his vote in, Izuku knew that Kaminari would not let him down and he would never know who voted for him.

Kaminari was not the class representative but he was vice and that’s all he needed. Yaoyorozu managed to get three votes and somehow Izuku got back to 1 but that didn’t matter. Yaoyorozu and Kaminari. One serious one really not. Perfect.

Walking to lunch, Izuku mindlessly listened to Kaminari shouting about being vice. He was really proud of himself. One day Izuku is going to tell him why he became the vice.

Sitting far away from the others, Izuku picked at his food, imagining his friends around him.

“You look popular.” Smirking, Seiji sat across from Izuku, putting their food on the table.

“Very. Most of the class sits over there.” Izuku waved to the side as Seiji shook their head.

“Well, I’m sitting here.” Seiji leaned back, popping a grape into their mouth. Izuku raised his eyebrow at the strange action before deciding it wasn’t worth enough of his energy and focusing on his food.

They sat in silence, not bothered by the loud noise in the background. Seiji occasionally offered a dry comment, catching Izuku off guard and forcing him to cover his mouth as he laughed. Each time Seiji got a laugh out of Izuku, they took it as an achievement, even if Izuku never talked back.

Just as Izuku was finally going to talk, the blaring alarm interrupted their conversation. Everyone looked around in confusion as the older years panicked. Soon, everyone was rushing to the exit, pushing past one another and not caring about anyone or anything else.

Despite Seiji’s best efforts, they too were swept up and pushed down the corridor as Izuku melted into the background. He slipped out of the canteen unchallenged and unnoticed. Humming under his breath, Izuku snuck to a blind spot in the cameras and whipped on black overalls- including hood- and a mask. Better safe than sorry.

Opening the cupboard, Izuku peered his head inside, walking around the files and finding the one he was looking for. All Might’s schedule.

Memorising the file, Izuku put it back, taking a second to check the file before he decided he needed to know. Pulling out Seiji’s file, Izuku skimmed over the details. VRP? Izuku knew these files like the back of his hand, none of the others had that on them. All the details were hidden, that was the only thing that suggested what was going on.

Tutting in annoyance, Izuku put the file back and turned around, leaving the cupboard. Finding a different blindspot, Izuku changed out and burnt the outfit before walking down the corridor and hopping through Kurogiri’s portal, appearing outside and joining the class in their line. No one noticed that he hadn’t been there the whole time. Perfect.


Sitting at the back of the classroom, Yaoyorozu and Kaminari talked about who they wanted on their weird little team as the class muttered about what had just happened. Izuku held his phone under the table, messaging the “bar club” group chat as Toga eloquently named it.

The second he had All Might’s schedule sent, he put his phone away and pretended to care about the class, something he most definitely did not.

It won’t be long before All Might will be dead and this society of fake heroes will tumble into chaos and destruction. Smirking behind his hands, Izuku started to file away all the information he would need to ensure the plan would go off without a hitch.


Nezu frowned as he watched the cameras. It was clear the villains had gained access to the campus but it made little sense. What were they looking for?

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