Part 17~Stein

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Pushing Wolf behind him, Izuku spun around, charging down the alleyway. His side burst with fire, forcing Stein away from Native as he stood in front protectively.

"Well, well, well. You must be the interns. I don't know why you're protecting him, you should know by now, he's not a proper hero." Stein glared at Native as Izuku pushed Native against the wall.

Izuku slowly stood up, looking over his shoulder darkly. "This hero may be a dickhead, but he is our dickhead and you're not allowed to touch him!"

Wolf cheered as Stein and Izuku glared at xem. Wolf lowered xyr hands, blinking as xe muttered to xemself. "Right, save the hero."

Izuku stepped forward, clearing a path for Wolf to get to Native. "Ready? Let's dance, pretty boy." Izuku dashed forward, kicking up a piece of loose pipe and grabbing it, hitting down at Stein.

Stein appeared to disappear, spinning behind Izuku. Izuku swung the pipe back around, blocking the attack and barely keeping the knife from cutting into his cheek. Kicking back, Izuku hit Stein's tender spot, receiving a wince from Wolf and Native Izuku stepped back, roundhouse kicking Stein to the side.

Wolf wrapped Native's hand around xyr shoulder, pulling him to his feet and slowly dragging him out of the alleyway.

Stein crouched over himself as Izuku ran forward. Stein spun, throwing the knives at Izuku who ducked to the side, swinging the pipe around to hit the knives away. Wolf helped as a wayward knife sliced through Native's arm- accidentally protecting Wolf from the blade.

Izuku cursed, picking up the knife and slinging it forward. Stein jumped out of the way, bringing out his katanas and cutting through Izuku's pipe. Izuku blinked, staring at the cut-in-half pipe in shock. "Now that was just rude."

Ducking under Stein's attack, Izuku leapt away, trying to stop each attack with his pipe but it didn't matter. He just lost more pipe. Izuku sighed, dropping the pipe to the ground and rolling out of the way.

Izuku looked around for something to use, smirking as he kicked the trash can into Stein's face. Stein jumped out of the way, landing on Izuku before he could get away. Stein grinned, holding the sword above him. "I've got you, hero." Stabbing down, Stein pierced Izuku's stomach, making him scream.

Surrounding himself in fire, Izuku pulled himself to the side, Izuku held onto his stomach in pain.

Stein didn't seem bothered, lifting the sword up and licking his tongue along the blade.

Izuku gasped, his legs giving out under him. He couldn't move.

Wolf stopped, spotting Izuku on the floor. "What's he doing?"

"Stein's got him. His Quirk can paralyse people." Native lowered his expression as Wolf gaped.

"You didn't think about mentioning that before!" Wolf cursed, turning to Izuku. Stein stood above Izuku, holding the sword over Izuku's body. Wolf fidgeted, panicking as xe tried to do something.

Screaming, Wolf lit up, xyr quirk falling around them. Light blue animals appeared from nowhere, cats and birds spiralled around Stein, startling him to the side.

Izuku stared at Wolf, his eyes sparkling as he resisted against the quirk, reaching his hands up. He hit against Stein's ankle, the golden strings stretching out and forcing Stein to stop. He turned to Wolf, smiling. "It's okay. He can't do anything."

Wolf let out a relieved sigh, collapsing to the ground as xyr animals disappeared. Slowly the light died down, showing off the golden strings. Wolf carefully stepped closer, pulling Native beside Izuku. "How are you doing that?"

Izuku groaned, shifting on the floor. "I'll explain later. On my belt, there is a button, do you mind pressing it?"

Wolf cautiously knelt down, spotting the button that Izuku talked off, pressing it. After a few seconds, a familiar purple portal appeared behind them.

"Heya, Kurogiri. Do you mind giving me a hand?"

Kurogiri sighed, swamping around the ground and dropping them in the bar. Izuku groaned as he landed on the couch. Kurogiri dropped Stein beside him, feeling a small sense of pride as he watched Stein collapse. Wolf stumbled, dropping Native completely as xe looked around in confusion.

Kurogiri walked around the bar, pulling out a small medkit. "Naoki, do you mind coming here for a minute?" Kurogiri waited as Naoki slowly peeked around the corner, Mineta on his elbow.

He looked around, gasping as he spotted Izuku. "Izu! What happened?!" Shaking Mineta off him, Naoki rushed to Izuku's side, instantly spotting the wound open in Izuku's stomach.

"Nothing new." Izuku coughed, blood spurting out of his mouth. "We might need Dabi."

Naoki nodded, calling for the other to come in. Dabi stepped closer, raising his eyebrow at Izuku. "You look like shit."

"Thanks." Izuku grinned as Kurogiri cut away his lower shirt, showing off the wound. Wolf gaped, spinning around and looking like xe was going to throw up.

Dabi looked over the wound, clicking out his hand as Naoki brought out the wooden bar. The teeth marks were clear in the wood, showing this wasn't the first time. Izuku opened his mouth, biting down on the wooden block.

"Ready?" Dabi glanced at Izuku as the younger nodded. Naoki stepped to the side, holding Izuku's shoulder's down. Dabi sighed, placing his hand over Izuku's stomach. In a second, the flesh was on fire, cauterising the wound once more. Izuku screamed, biting down harshly as Naoki held him down more. They quickly flipped him over, doing the same to his back.

Dabi stepped away, watching the burn scab over at a seemingly impossible rate. Izuku relaxed as Naoki took the block out of his mouth. "That still tastes horrible."

Naoki chuckled, putting the block to be cleaned. "Maybe we should add flavouring next time."

"Hopefully there won't be a next time." Izuku rolled over, letting Kurogiri pull him up and wrap the bandages around his stomach.

Wolf peeked over the couch, looking at the wound in horror. "Why would you do that to yourself?"

Izuku chuckled, resting his head against the couch. "It's a benefit of my Quirk. Any burns I get heal at an accelerated rate. Therefore it is quicker and usefully safer to burn over injuries." Izuku smiled, thanking Naoki as he handed Izuku his trademark 'villain' shirt.

Wolf gently scooched closer. "Where are we?"

"This is my home."

"Why are we here?"

"So we don't die or get arrested."

Wolf paused, narrowing xyr eyes with a focused expression on xyr face. "Are you a villain?"

Izuku narrowed his own eyes, leaning closer with a similar expression on his face. "If I was, what would you say?"

"That I knew it!" Wolf held up xyr head, getting a light chuckle from Izuku. Izuku leaned back, pulling his knees to his chest. "You're tired. You should rest."

Izuku scoffed. "Really, I was thinking about an all-nighter." Izuku yawned, turning to Native. "Do you think he'll be okay?"

"Yeah. He'll be fine. You think he'll turn you over."

"If he does I'll turn him in." Izuku grinned as he stretched out, hissing a little from the tender wound. "Hey, Kurorgiri, mind taking Steiny here to the police station."

Kurogiri glanced at the villain, pausing as he nodded to Dabi.

"You should cover your ears." Izuku grinned as Wolf covered xyr ears. Stein screamed, his vocal cords being burnt out. Kurogiri dropped Stein into the police station, taking a second before he returned with a different figure. "Toshi!"

Shinso frowned, slowly approaching Izuku and sitting beside him. "Are you okay?"

Izuku nodded, laying his head on Shinso's lap with a groan. Shinso shook his head, running his fingers through Izuku's hair as Wolf grinned.

"Knew it." Xe hopped away, dragging Native to the bar, happily chatting to Kurogiri and trying to learn everything about the little gabble.

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