Part 16~Wolf

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Yawning, Izuku stepped out of his room, nodding at the only other person who worked in this office- Wolf.  A week since Izuku started working for Native and Wolf was probably the only reason he hadn’t killed Native.

Wolf was young, well, actually xe was the same age as Izuku but xe acted younger. Xe had died, dark blue hair that was pinned back with a small light blue wolf hair clip. The small kid walked around with an oversized blue hoodie with wolf ears on the hood and black leggings. Xe could never be found far away from a book, always reading when xe wasn’t doing something for Native or info-dumping on Izuku.

Izuku hated how fond he had grown of Wolf, spending time with the hero-in-training and taking time to buy a few history textbooks that xe would treasure and carry around with xem at all times.

Izuku was not as fond of Native. The guy sucked. He wasn’t the worst person Izuku had ever met but he still wasn’t great. He had a bad habit of taking money from places he really shouldn’t have. It didn’t make him a horrible hero, he did do his job most of the time but it still was wrong.

At least he did have the decency of trying to hide his activities, not that it was very successful. Both Izuku and Wolf had discovered it within a day of working here. Wolf freaked out when xe saw it, pacing back and forth for an hour before Izuku finally got xem to calm down.

It took another hour for Izuku to convince xyr not to call the police on Native. The bright side of all this is because of the blackmail they had, Izuku and Wolf got to bunk off most of the time and do what they wanted.

This led to many days where Izuku would catch the train back to UA and trial Toga and Shinso. It took two times before Wolf caught on and Izuku had to lie to xem. Izuku was not feeling guilty about it. Nope. Not at all.

Bursting through the door, Native snapped Izuku out of his trance. Native walked to the back, pulling out a familiar bag. “I’ll be back at lunch. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.” Izuku and Wolf both knew where Native was going, neither said anything.

The second Native was gone, Wolf jabbed Izuku’s side. “Off to see your boyfriend?”

Blushing, Izuku pushed Wolf away. “He is not my boyfriend!”

“Sure, sure. So we going or not?”

Pausing, Izuku sighed. “Yeah.”

“Great, I’m going to grab my bag.” Wolf hopped off to the side, throwing xyr books into xyr wolf backpack and jumping to the door. “Come on or we’ll miss him,” xe sang, leaning against the door frame.

“Oh, be quiet.” Pushing Wolf fondly, Izuku smiled and led xyr out of the building. Xe hopped along the road, smiling as xe boarded the train. Izuku held onto his phone, waiting for the train to stop.

“You always look so nervous. Are you worried your boy won’t be there?” Wolf poked Izuku’s cheek, laughing as Izuku tried to swat the hand away.

“He’s not my boy, Hitoshi is his own person and with Aizawa breathing down his back, he will always be there.”

“Oh, I get it. It’s not you seeing him that worries you, it's him seeing you.”

“Shut up!”

Laughing, Wolf knew xe was right.


Hopping onto the top of the building, Izuku leaned forward, easily spotting Shinso and Aizawa on the training field. Toga was nowhere to be seen, likely off somewhere with Vlad which meant Shinso was alone, with Aizawa.

That was not going to end well.

Wolf scoffed, sliding down the wall as xe pulled out xyr book. “If you’re going to stare, might I recommend you use the binoculars?” Wolf held up the binoculars, receiving a glare from Izuku though he took them and brought them to his eyes.

“Woah, these are high quality.” Izuku’s eyes widened as the binoculars brought him face to face with Shinso.

“Yeah, now you can stare into his eyes rather than just at his figure.” Wolf yelped as Izuku hit xem around the back of xyr head. “I’m not wrong!” Hitting back, Wolf and Izuku got into a slapping fight, laughing the whole time before they settled into their places.

Izuku still couldn’t find Toga but he was happy regardless.


Stepping back into the house, Izuku narrowed his eyes. “Hey, Native, we’re back!” No response. “Native! Where are you?!”

Narrowing his eyes, Izuku shared a look with Wolf who shrugged in response.

“Native!” Izuku peered around the door frames, a concerned expression on his face. “He’s not here.”

“He’s probably just out in an alleyway somewhere. We shouldn’t worry.” Wolf popped into the kitchen, pulling out a box of microwave food. “Lasagna or macaroni and cheese?”

“Native never stays out past his shift. Something’s wrong.”

“You didn’t answer!”

“I’m going to look for Native.” Izuku grabbed his coat, startling Wolf.

“Seriously? This isn’t the first time and it’s not like he would not go looking for us.”

“But we both know what stuff he gets up to. If it’s gone wrong and he’s dying in an alleyway somewhere then will be questioned and we could be under some serious allegations as to why we weren’t with him and if we knew what he was doing.”

Wolf paused, groaning as xe stepped behind Izuku. “Fine but how about we make a deal. If we find Native alive and well- like we always do- you buy me a new book. A good one.”

Smirking, Izuku offered out his hand. “Deal. Let’s go.” Izuku opened the door, leading Wolf out. The streetlamps had flickered on, shining down on the roads. Izuku walked a familiar path.

Wolf stopped at the edge of the alleyway, a startled look on xyr face. “He’s not here.”

“Told you something was wrong.” Izuku walked through the alleyway, ignoring the other people slumped against the wall. Wolf stayed back, not wanting to walk into the alleyway at all. Izuku looked around, finding a familiar face and kicking her awake. “Oi, have you seen Native?”

The lady groaned, running a dirty hand over her face. “That depends on who’s asking?” The lady looked up as Izuku raised his eyebrow. “Oh, it’s you. Nah, Native hasn’t been here all day. Real shame. He was bringing-” Izuku covered her mouth, scowling.

“I do not need to hear that, I would like to keep my plausible deniability. Native was coming here, do you know where he might have stopped by?”

The lady hummed, popping his cheeks. “Nope.”

“Great. So helpful.”

“If you find him, tell him he owes me a shipment!”

“I will never tell him that!” Storming out of the alleyway, Izuku physically shivered, disgusted by the place. He grabbed Wolf, pulling xem away. “Come on, he has to be around somewhere.”

Wolf fidgeted, growing more worried the longer they searched. “Maybe we should call the police? Say we were out when he left.”

Sighing, Izuku nodded. “Okay. One last alleyway and we’ll call them.” Izuku stepped around the alleyway, freezing when he spotted Native. Well, Native was alive, he just had a knife in his shoulder. Pushing Wolf behind him, Izuku gulped.

Stain saw them.

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