Part 24~Sero

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Toga frowned as she skated along the path, returning to her hideout. Stopping, she froze, hearing the voices. Someone was in her base. Cautiously approaching the base, Toga peered around the corner, staring at the figures in her hideout. 

“Are you sure we should be doing this? The big boss wanted us to kill them if he finds out we haven’t…” The voice trailed off as the figure looked at the two people on the floor. Toga knew that voice! 

“Naoki?” She shuffled closer, confirming her thoughts. Naoki was standing in the centre of her hideout with Shigaraki. On the floor, looking too pale for comfort, Seiji and Mineta were knocked out and dying. 

“Do you want to kill them?” Shigaraki glared at Naoki as he turned away sharply. “Father told us to dispose of them. We’ve dumped them and as far as we are concerned, they’re dead. Do you understand?”

Naoki smiled, nodding. “I’m glad you chose to spare them, I know it's weird but I really did get close to Mineta over the time he was here. He came so far from being the little creepy pervert he was.” Naoki puffed out his chest a little, claiming to have changed Mineta for the better.

“We’re not sparing them,” Shigaraki snapped, covering Naoki’s mouth. “We have dumped the bodies here, believing them to be dead. If someone just happens to find them in time and get them to a hospital, it is not our fault. We tried to kill them but couldn’t risk the attack at the class 1a and 1b training camp being delayed. The other traitor is waiting for us and we decided that even if these two did live, they couldn’t warn Izuku using the LOV special communication network that is connected to the phone that is not in Seiji’s top right pocket.” Shigaraki kept raising his voice, clearly knowing Toga was there. “And even if they did, they don’t know that Shinso and Izuku are the targets.” 

Toga gasped as Shigaraki turned around. Naoki tilted his head, confused by how Shigaraki was acting. “So are we or are we not killing these two?”

Shigaraki sighed in annoyance, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “We are not leaving them here to be found and taken to hospital.” He turned around as the smoke appeared to take them away. 

Naoki opened and closed his mind, the cogs in his brain turning desperately but failing to comprehend the situation. He cautiously stepped after Shigaraki, an air of confusion around him as he disappeared from the scene. 

Toga jumped down, rushing to Seiji and Mineta’s side. “Hey, hey, wake up.” Toga shook Seiji, getting a groan from the other teenager. “Sorry about this.” Patting down Seiji, Toga grinned upon finding the phone. She pulled it out, finding only one number saved. 


Typing out the message as fast as she could, Toga cursed. It probably won’t reach him in time. Taking off her jumper, Toga wrapped it around Seiji’s shoulders before she dialled the number. Toga grabbed her skateboard as she began rushing down the road. “Hello! Ambulance! I found two people on black thorp road. I believe them to be the missing UA students. One has severe blood loss. They are both unconscious but breathing. Hurry.” Toga hung up, pushing herself faster down the road. She needed to get to Izuku or she feared what would happen. 


Izuku jumped back, flaring up and forcing the traitor to jump away. The embers flickered around them, lighting up the darkness and showing the traitor's face clearly.

“You’re really strong but we both know you can do more.” He grinned as Izuku frowned. 

“Sero. I know you were acting strange but this, seriously!” Izuku growled as Shinso glanced at him in confusion. He did not know what was happening. 

Sero laughed, leaning against the tree. “Surprise,” he sang, smiling lightheartedly. “You know, when the boss told me his previous weapon had become faulty, I tried to imagine who in 1A it could be. It was only when I saw you two playing around with each other and overheard some things you two said. I pieced things together. You should just be glad I was the only one who overheard you. Imagine what would have happened if those pesky heroes had.” 

Pausing, Sero turned around. “Though, I don’t think I’m much better!” Sero launched off the tree, using his sticky tape to swing the distance. 

At that moment, Izuku pushed Shinso to the side, sliding out the way and throwing his fire at Sero’s tape, burning it from the tree. Sero dropped down, rolling back to his feet. 

He hummed, grinning. “You’re smart but your fire is the only useful ability you have!” Sero dashed forward, jumping above Izuku as tape whipped out of his hand. Izuku’s eyes widened as he surrounded himself with fire, making Sero jump away. 

A body modification Quirk? Something like Shoji’s that lets him move the tape dispensers to any part of his body. Izuku needed to be careful. 

Sero grinned, charging forward as his tape stretched out from his palm, forming a long spear. 

He can change the shape of his tape too!

Izuku jumped out of the way of Sero, his golden strings flinging out and latching onto the nearby tree and pulling him further away. 

Sero laughed, throwing the spear at Izuku and serving the strings, making Izuku gasp, falling to the ground in pain. Sero tutted, standing over Izuku as his tape formed a thin rope. “You’re a bad fighter, you know that. Everyone at the LOV said you were the best but I don’t think you’re that great.” 

Wrapping the rope around Izuku’s kneck, Sero began pulling it tight, making him choke. Izuku growled, fighting against the rope as the darkness began clouding his eyes. 


Izuku coughed as Shinso stood over him protectively, purple light flashing and surrounding him. “Don’t you dare touch him!”

Huffing, Sero pushed himself up, struggling to his feet, a clear mark on his face from where Shinso punched him. “You two are really starting to annoy me!” Sero launched out, creating a web with his tape that stretched over Shinso, using it to throw Shinso away. 

Izuku stumbled up, gasping as he reached out for Shinso. 

“Pathetic.” Sero kicked Izuku, pinning his arm under his foot. “Completely pathetic.”

Glaring at Sero, Izuku rolled over. “You're the pathetic one. Can’t you see what he’s done to you! Those Quirks! They’re clouding your mind!”

“They’re making me stronger. Like they would have done to you if you had been brave enough to take more than your pathetic subpar Quirks.” Sero grinned manically as his tape formed a spear once more. 

“Izuku!” Shinso reached out, barely finishing his shout when the glowing light encased him. 

“You shouldn’t kill him, Sero.” The figure walked out, throwing the marble up and down in his hand. “Shigaraki won’t be pleased if we don’t bring back both targets.”

Sero huffed, standing up with an unimpressed look on his face. “That’s stupid.” Sero raised his eyebrow at the strange man, currently throwing the marble carelessly through the air. “You should be careful too, wouldn't want to come back with neither.”

The villain chuckled, pocketing the orb. “Touche.” He walked closer to Izuku, grinning as he brought his hand closer. “Time to go, Midoriya.”

Izuku cursed, erupting in fire. He tried to reach out and grab the orb containing Shinso when Sero grabbed him, twisting his arm until it snapped. Screaming, Izuku collapsed to the ground, his eyes welling with tears. “I’m sorry…” The white light began surrounding him as he looked into the darkness at the eyes watching him. “I’m sorry.”

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