Chapter 2: The Battle of Calamity Ganon

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Link clenched his teeth, staring back at the creature. "How am I gonna kill you, ugly?" He asked under his breath. The monstrosity merely gave what Link could only assume was a crooked smile and that unsettling chuckle before brandishing a flame blade similar to Fireblights'.

Despite how giant this thing hovering over him was, Link stood his ground and watched as Ganon took the first swing, aiming horizontally at his legs. Link leapt into a backflip, concentrating on every muscle spasm, every heartbeat, every single movement this creature made. Time slowed as he landed back on his feet. He took the opportunity to rush Ganon, slicing away at the slight opening this thing had left on its guard, while the sword cut swiftly through the malice and knocked stray guardian parts off of Ganon.

Ganon let out a loud hiss of pain and eyed the young boy, taken aback at his talent. Link took a few steps backward, wondering what the creature would do next. Ganon raised the front part of his body, slamming himself down on the youth. Link raised his shield, allowing Daruk's Protection to bear the brunt of the attack. Ganon swiftly took the advantage, raising the glowing orange sword and cutting straight downwards, aiming for the hero's head.

The sword clanked loudly against the orange force field, doing no damage to the boy.  Still, the hit almost sent him to his knees as Daruk's Protection cracked and shattered before his eyes. He quickly backed away from the attacks, knowing now what to expect and making the mental note to be more cautious.

While Link was thinking all of this, Ganon raised up on his back legs again.  Link raised his shield in preparation for the attack and braced himself for the weight of Ganon's body to crush him, once again.  Instead, Ganon did something the hero did not expect.  Ganon latched himself to the wall using his appendages to crawl along the ceiling of the observatory.  Link stood with his mouth agape. Ganon truly looked like a spider crawling along the edge of a giant web, watching his pray slowly struggling to continue their existence, despite their situation.

Ganon let out another unsettling chuckle as he released one tornado after another in quick succession towards the chosen hero.  Link remembered these from Windblight.  He turned on his heel, running from the swirling winds coming towards him.  Luckily, the winds soon died out and Link took the opportunity to pull out his bow.  Nocking an arrow, he aimed the projectile at Ganon's glowing orange eyes.  Link took a deep breath and released the arrow.

The arrow missed the head of his target, but still managed to hit the creature in the shoulder. Ganon roared in pain at the discomfort of being shot.  He snarled at the hero as he leapt from the top of the observatory, attempting to land directly on the young hero.

Link didn't move fast enough to avoid the blow.  He sucked in a breath as the sudden pressure knocked him off his feet, pinning him to the cold hard floor.  A sudden pain shot through his chest as the panic in his brain increased tenfold.  He squirmed under the weight of the monstrosity holding him down against his will. 

Ganon raised back up to crush the young boy further. Link took the opportunity and rolled out of the way as Ganon crashed down on the floor again, expecting to trap the hero under the weight of his enormous body.  The boy whipped out his bow, knocking another arrow and releasing it, hitting the monster directly in the eye this time.

Ganon groaned as his body hit the floor in a daze.  The hero took that opportunity to slice away more of the corrosive malice that covered Ganon's entire form.  The clinks of sword hitting metal guardian parts reverberated throughout the dome shaped room, as did the grunts of the young Hylian, fighting the pain that was making its way into his head.  He knew he broke something in his chest, every limb was on fire with exertion, and his breaths had become quick and labored.

Ganon, once again, picked himself up from the cold floor.  He moved his glowing orange sword horizontally again, releasing balls of fire and spreading flames.  Link tried running away, but the balls of flame that were dispersed from that weapon grew steadily closer.  Each time the fire balls touched the floor, the floor would hold onto the searing heat and flames that came with it, much to the hero's dismay.  He tried to run away, but his stamina kept him from moving as fast as he needed to.  A stray ball of flame bounced off of his ankle, lighting his pant leg, boots, and the ground underneath him on fire.

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