Chapter 3: Battle of the Dark Beast

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He felt the warmth inside him dissipate as the pain returned.  He groaned as he felt broken bones reform, sliced skin begin to bleed again, and bruises regain feeling.  A wave of dizziness over came him as the pain increased tenfold when the last of Zelda's power left him.  He placed his good hand on the ground, supporting his aching body as he concentrated on simply breathing.

A warm pressure on his shoulder and the smell of a warm breath lingering on his face notified him of the loving animal standing behind him. He opened his eyes and acknowledged the dark brown mare nuzzling his shoulder. Link smiled as he leaned onto his horse's touch as he brought his good hand up to stroke her velvety muzzle.  "I'm alright, Morwen," he whispered gently as he stood, using the gentle mare for support.

Zelda's melodic voice filled Link's mind as he did so, but her words were barely processed. Before the young hero were sprawling, rich green grasses, which he recognized as Hyrule Field.  The powerful, stormy winds made the blades of grass look like a turbulent ocean, hollowing wind rushed through the hero's hair and past his ears, the sky had begun to darken with clouds, turning a familiar bright magenta. Yet, the hero could tell that this wasn't just the work of an ordinary blood moon.

In the center of the seemingly endless grass, malice began to form. The particles danced along with the wind, separating into four distinct mounds; each mound formed a giant hoof, drawing more particles inward to create legs.  Soon, a body emerged along with large tusks, a pair of glaring eyes, and a snout. The beast stomped his fully formed, heavy hooves upon the ground, rearing his head and giving the loudest and most animalistic roar Link could have ever imagined.

The hero gripped the reigns of his horse, eyes focused on the massive boar standing before him, ready to fight.  How could he take on something the size of a mountain? The beast was just as big as the divine beasts he had entered. How did Zelda expect him to take down pure evil of this size?  "I don't get a choice in this, do I girl?"  Link questioned his faithful horse.

Morwen stomped her feet anxiously. Her deep chocolate eyes were also trained on the monstrous form the malice had taken before them.  Link could see the whites of her eyes showing in fear, yet she stayed by her beloved master's side.  Something, the young hero thought, he had been unable to do for his princess.  The hero turned back towards the monster facing them. "I guess she didn't get a choice either, huh girl?"

He struggled to mount his horse with only one arm, but he made quick work of it.  Morwen reared back on her hind legs and neighed with anticipation.  Adrenaline flowed through the young hero's blood as he prepared to match his final foe in battle.  The last words Zelda spoke gave him the last bit of motivation he needed. "Courage may not need be remembered...for it is never forgotten."

The hero urged his horse forward, wincing a bit at the sudden movement. He eyed the beast in front of him, analyzing every movement intently. He swore the monster was as big as the castle as he weaved around the legs of the beast and underneath its' belly.  The hero allowed his horse to take complete control of their path as he struggled to shoot the massive monster with his last ancient arrow.  The arrow pierced one of the beast's legs, lodging itself deeply as the monster stomped his hoof against the ground, an attempt to smash the pesky Hylian attempting to fight him.

As the arrow began to take affect, Link lead his horse back out into the open field.  The beast roared in pain as the arrow attempted to damage the evil monstrosity that it currently protruded from.  To the hero's dismay, his last ancient arrow barely affected the malice, which reformed quickly after the arrow's power dissipated.  Instead, the beast released a mighty roar, snarled, and aimed his mighty head at the swift horse in a charging position.  What came from the creature was a wave of corrosive light made from Ganon's pure hatred.

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