This story is still active, I promise!!!

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Hi y'all... I know... it's December...

Basically, after I went back to school, my life decided to hate me.  For reference I have not had a day off in over 2 months.  Between worsening health conditions with my family, harder classes (and an awful gen ed professor) for a degree that is absolutely NOT what I want to do, and a job at my school that has been questionable at the very best, it's been all I can do to balance my classes and job, so much so that the only time I can rest is when I finally push myself so hard I end up horribly sick. Even then, I'm clocked in and working on stuff I can do without leaving my room and catching up on homework.  So yes, that is why I've been absent.  With all of that I'm guessing you're confused about whether I'll be continuing this story...and I am!!! Long story short I'm quitting my job and taking a semester off😁. This isn't a permanent situation as I'll start looking around for a full time job sometime after Christmas and applying to a school that has what I actually want to do (I can get away with going into a more general major and specializing in grad school but there is a school that offers an undergrad for what I  REALLY want to do- the only problem is this school is very "top-notch" I guess you could say, so it's harder to get into.  This major is also kind of a rarity so it's not exactly like I could go somewhere else. But oh well! We gonna try!). But in the meantime, (besides sleep) I need something to do and I just so happen to have an insane amount of notes and ideas for this story that I am super excited about!  So yeah! I'll be able to start working on this story again! For now, I have 2 more exams, a final presentation, and my last job requirements that I need to fulfill, but everything should be done after the weekend of this week! Keep in mind though I'm doing nothing but curling up with my dog and sleeping for at least two days.  I also want to say thank you! I've seen a lot of people interacting with my story and I absolutely hate to have 5 chapters out with no closure or even any inkling of why I just stopped posting.  Again, thank you so much for your patience and support, this story is 100% active and new stuff will be coming very soon, and God bless you!!!

(Also if you notice any typos, I'll get to them after finals it's almost 1 AM and I need to study, work on my presentation, and sleep)

Oh! I also forgot! I have an actual plot for this story now so description and name could be changing so look out for that!

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