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"Fuck!" I slammed my fist against the steering wheel. She fucking ruined my life. I can't believe I wanted to marry her. And all those Alphas fell for her, not a single one would take me in. Mason's pissed that I made a fool of him and Connie doesn't want me since SHE took my title. I hope they all get wiped out. And that leech!

'Did you see the hickey he put on our mark?!' Danny growled.

'It's the utter disrespect. Everything she did last night. The whore. I should've let her die that night.' All of a sudden a guy popped up in the middle of the road out of nowhere. I was about two hours away from the palace. I swerved to avoid hitting him and came to a complete stop. This guy picked the wrong person at the wrong time. I jumped out of my car and stormed over to him. "What the fuck, dude?" As I got closer, I recognized him from last night, the demon prince. "What the hell do you want?"

"Ah, Alpha Corbyn, I take it everyone knows about my encounter with the princess last night?"

"Yeah, they do. And I don't care. Your problem is with them, not me. And that bitch stripped me of my title."

"Tsk. Tsk. It's not nice to say such things about the future Demon Queen."

"Why is everyone obsessed with her? Sure, she's sexy as hell and okay in bed, but all she brings are problems."

"Let me explain, Corbyn. Her power, if used the right way, can cause the most devastating destruction or the most wondrous of miracles. She is the first white wolf of Royal blood which makes her ten times stronger than a normal white wolf. Any children she has will be stronger than normal. Once she is mine, I will use her to take down and enslave all supernaturals. And if you help me, I will crown you King of the wolves. I will still rule over you of course, but you will be the one to keep your people in check." My ears perked at the offer.

"The problem with your plan is she will die before she lets you use her. If she thinks it will save the people she loves, she's willing to do it. I've seen it happen."

"Ah, yes, Caspian. He got greedy and tried to make her his. I used his obsession with her to my advantage. I'm very good at making people do what I want. Every day for a week, I would show up when you were sleeping. Telling you how dangerous she is for your future. You tried to fight it but when her identity was revealed those thoughts came back and pushed you."

"You used me? So, what I'm feeling for her isn't real?"

"Oh, they are completely real and 100% all you. I can't control a person, the thoughts have to be there before I can intensify them. After Caspian and seeing what she can do you started to have doubts about her, how because she was powerful, people would come after her, endangering everyone. So, when you found out her title, that was enough. I tried to use the others but they believe in her and love her too much. Oh, and the fact that you are like most men, her being royal meant her words would over rule yours. You didn't like that she was stronger than you in every way. You did truly love her, none of that was fake but your ego made you resent her, and the perfect victim for suggestion." I'm so confused.

'This would explain why that leech bothers us so much.' Danny said.

'But he's right. We weren't happy that she was stronger than us, that's why we were slowly making her submissive. We let her leash go so far. That's why when she lost it, it was us who controlled her to stop.'

"I have conditions, if I'm to help you."

"What are they?"

"I get to kill the vamp prince in front of her."

"Deal. We have a lot to talk about, but first, we need to get rid of the car, you won't need that to get to my kingdom. And who knows, you might even find yourself a loyal woman there." I don't care what happens to everyone else, they all turned their backs on me. But I will kill that leech in front of her. I'll make sure she can't bring him back. She's going to want to die and I get to watch her lose who she is.

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