Plant filled corner

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    It isn't often she goes out for a coffee, but sometimes even she needs an energy boost. Waving goodbye to her three gremlin "children", she runs off into the direction of the nearest coffee shop. Barley catching them before their closing time, she slips in and stops just before the counter, blurting out a greeting.

"Hello! Sorry to catch you guys last minute"

"It's no biggie, what can I get you?"

"A...uh, may I have the vanilla bean frappe...oh a large, please?"

"Of course, cash or card?"


"Ok, insert your chip when you're ready"

    As she finished the transaction, she wondered over to a table and slumped into a seat, waiting for her order. Sometimes she wondered if a getting a job at a coffee place would be worth it, or if just one week would end her up in the hospital for a high blood sugar with all the treats and drinks she would end up consuming with the employee discounts...even without the employee discounts. Watching the current employee work, she silently questioned if they too had the urge to consume everything before them. She mentally congratulated them on their restraint.

    Grabbing her coffee, she bid the valiant survivor a farewell and headed off home.

    She may have fallen in love with that specific coffee, and she's back for the 3rd time that week, same order, same little seat by the window, the light creating a little dancing rainbow on her hand. She catches a glimpse of its flicker, then attempting to "catch" it. A smile slowly spreads across her face as she becomes entranced with the little light in her hand.

    To her credit, she could have never guessed she was being admired from afar all this time with the little rainbow taking away all her attention.

    A lone man, with a camera around his neck also frequented this coffee spot, but moreso for its view and lack of people, than for its coffee and pastries. Though, over the course of a week or so, he had seemed to find a new reason for liking this place. In no way was he trying to be creepy or strange, he just found her demeanor entrancing.

    She also stole his favorite window spot, so he justifies he's just looking in longing at the plant covered corner.

        Yeah, that's it. The spot. Not the dazzling soul in the spot.

    None the less, it would be about a month before he had the courage to go speak with her. And even so, the first words to come out of his mouths weren't the smoothest.

"Ah, do you enjoy plants?"

    Startled, she turned towards the voice and was caught off guard. Is bright blue even a natural color to have? Why are his eyes the same color? And why does he look good with it????

"Ah, I enjoy them yes. Plants are said to thrive off of good energy. It's nice to know I'm helping something survive in this crazy world"

    He was stunned at her answer, and even more so at her eyes. They were like staring into a warm cup of coffee, warm and inviting. He blinked away his thoughts and desire to photograph her in a field of flowers. She would look pretty in a field of flowers.

"This was my favorite spot to sit in a couple weeks back, I would secretly water them when no one was watching. I never did think they were watered enough"

    A nervous laughter comes from her, and he almost panics, praying he didn't make her feel uncomfortable.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one, my guilty conscience was starting to eat me up for that"

    Both of them laugh, and she invites him to sit with her.  She inquires about his camera. He happily indulges in her request, showing off the cameras features and rambling about his life and profession. She soaks up every bit of information, as the plants soak up the happy energy emitting from them both. Eventually, it grows late and they part ways for the day.

    However every week they both find themselves in the plant covered corner. Both secretly water the plants, sometimes forgetting and laughing about it the next time. Eventually they exchange numbers, and talk the night away, but never fail to meet at the cafe later on in the week.

    The plants seem to be beaming, some even growing small flower buds. Their bond grows along with the plants. The pair jokes that their water must be magical.

    It was never the water.

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